TTT: Top Ten Characters I’d NEVER Want to Trade Places With!

Posted January 27, 2014 by Wendy in Top Ten Tuesday / 14 Comments



Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish!

This week the topic was either Top 10 worlds you’d never want to live in or Top 10 characters you’d never want to trade places with. I went with the latter! I’m breaking this top 10 list into two parts. The first is Top 6 characters I’d never ever want to trade places with, ever ever ever. The next is Top 4 characters I wouldn’t want to trade places with BUT…. there’s something that could change my mind.

Top 6 Characters I’d NEVER Want to Trade Places With:

1. Juliette – Shatter Me series by Tahereh Mafi: She touches people and they die. I don’t need to elaborate on that, right?

2. Anna – Dangerous Girls by Abigail Haas: She’s in a foreign country, her best friend just got murdered and she’s on trial as the main suspect. Umm yeah, I don’t want to go to jail!

3. Janelle – Unraveling/Unbreakable by Elizabeth Norris: Poor Janelle. She died and was mysteriously brought back to life. Oh and her world’s falling apart. Literally. I do not envy her and everything she went through!!

4. Maddie – Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein: You guys. I just… seriously I BAWLED in this book. I LOVED Maddie but I can’t go through that. I’m not nearly as strong or brave.

5. Katniss – Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins: She has to kill everyone else before they kill her. NO THANKS. And she made the wrong choice regarding you-know-who and I definitely don’t want to live with that decision! πŸ™‚

6. Mia – If I Stay by Gayle Forman: I feel like I don’t need to explain this one. I ugly cried my way through this book and I don’t ever want to be in her place!!!

Top 4 Characters I Wouldn’t Want to Trade Places With BUT…

1. Rose – Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead: She’s got it rough. She has to put Moroi wants ahead of her own. She has to deal with deaths of those close to her. I don’t think I’d want to live her life BUT… then there’s Dimitri. I think I’d take all that on if I could have him!

2. Alina – Shadow and Bone/Siege and Storm by Leigh Bardugo: She’s got a HUGE responsibility on her shoulders. I don’t know how I would’ve handled everything that’s thrown at her. BUT… then there’s Mal. And Sturmhond. And I would love to have them both.

3. Alice – Alice in Zombieland by Gena Showalter: Her family just got murdered and now she has to figure out how to fight freaking zombies!Β BUT…Β she gets to kiss Cole Holland!!

4. Echo – Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry: People constantly stare and talk about her scars and she can’t even remember what happened that was so horrible that she’s blocked it out and no one will tell her. My heart seriously broke for everything that happened to her.Β BUT…Β NOAH HUTCHINS. Noah. Hutchins.

Hmmm yes, there seems to be a trend in part 2. πŸ™‚

What do you think about my picks? Who would YOU never want to trade places with?



14 responses to “TTT: Top Ten Characters I’d NEVER Want to Trade Places With!

  1. Haha, I love what you did with the last 4! Some of my favorite things about TTT posts is seeing how everyone alters it to make it work for them. I haven’t read many of those series, but I wanted to comment and give a shout-out for the creativity of the alteration! (But Katniss? Yes. No, thank you. Like. No.)

    • I totally agree on the creativity of all the posters – I lose WAAYYY too many hours Tuesday nights reading TTT posts because they’re all so creative and different!

  2. I definitely would not want to trade places with Katniss. Nope. I could not kill people. And I would die in the forest probably from dehydration or starvation. Or hypothermia. Or something else equally as horrible. And I would also not want to trade places with Juliette, unless it meant I got to make out with Warner!!! Because then obvi I would.

  3. I’m so happy I’m not the only person who doesn’t think they’d survive long in Panem (or any world where I have to physically fight for survival). I’m a gonna when the zombie apocalypse hits! πŸ™‚

    Great list!

  4. Well, a worthy man is a good incentive to be those last four characters, if you ask me. ESPECIALLY Sturmhond πŸ˜‰ As for the other ladies on your list (the first six), I would be devastated if I were like Juliette and able to shatter people with my touch. So scary! And it would be hard to form strong friendships/romances.

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