Mini Review: Throne of Glass Novellas by Sarah J. Maas

Posted February 9, 2014 by Wendy in Mini Reviews / 4 Comments

assassin's blade

The Assassin’s Blade is a compilation of all the novellas, releasing in paperback in March! (I need this for my shelf!)

The Assassin and the Pirate Lord

The Assassin and the Desert

The Assassin and the Underworld

The Assassin and the Empire

So for the longest time I had been meaning to read Throne of Glass. I mean, it’s high fantasy, I heard people raving about it and I wanted to read it! But I also knew that the novellas took place before the events of Throne of Glass and because I’m neurotic like that, I had to read them before I started ToG.

Months and months later, I finally started the first one, The Assassin and the Pirate Lord. Within the first few pages, I was hooked. Completely and irrevocably hooked and sucked into Celaena’s world.

Now, I have reservations about novellas. Sometimes it just doesn’t seem like enough time to develop a full storyline and develop the characters. Well next time someone says that to me, I will wave these novellas at them!! Sarah J. Maas does the most fantastic job revealing the fantasy world that Throne of Glass takes place in and develops these characters so well in such a short amount of time! In the first, The Assassin and the Pirate Lord, we are introduced to Celaena who is an assassin in the Assassin’s Guild, sent on a job. There was action, excitement and I LOVED Celaena – stubborn, badass and such aย strong heroine.

You can definitely read Throne of Glass without reading the novellas but I thought it providedย so much insight into some of the events that shaped Celaena. I feel like it gives you an even better understanding of her. Plus the stories are just amazing. Lush, perfect, high fantasy stories. These novellas grabbed me, kept me glued to my kindle and even in these short stories, had the ability to make me go through ALL THE FEELS. Seriously. You guys MUST read these! They are a great start to the series and even if you’ve read Throne of Glass and/or Crown of Midnight, you want more Celaena, right? Go read these! They were SO amazing.

My Rating:ย 5 Stars!

Have you read the novellas? Tell me what you thought! And if you haven’t – what are you waiting for? Go get started!!


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4 responses to “Mini Review: Throne of Glass Novellas by Sarah J. Maas

  1. Yea for well written novellas! Some authors know how to write novellas, and others…not so much. I am glad to hear Maas can write a strong novella. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. So great to hear! I’m like you where I am definitely going to start with these novellas first. In fact, I’m heading to the bookstore tomorrow to pick this compilation up. So excited to finally start this series!

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