TTT: Top FIve Characters I’d Totally Want to be for Halloween!!

Posted October 28, 2014 by Wendy in Top Ten Tuesday / 8 Comments


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish!

This week, in preparation for Halloween, we are talking about the characters we’d want to be for Halloween! I really only had five main ones that I’d LOVE to be for Halloween so here’s my top five!

1. Caelena Sardothien! (Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas): AHH I would so want to be a badass assassin! And I want that gorgeous cloak she has on the cover of the Assassin’s Blade. And I want daggers. Maybe next year if I have something to go to!

2. Alina Starkov (Grisha Trilogy by Leigh Bardugo): I’d like a kefta please! I haven’t decided which Grisha I’d be though…

3. Hermione Granger (Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling): I’ve always wanted one of those Gryffindor scarves. Also, I adore Hermione. She’s the bookworm and I like to think that I’d be that smart and as awesome as she is.

4. Alexandria Andros (Covenant series by Jennifer Armentrout): Yes, I would love to dress up in Sentinel black and pretend to be as badass as Alex is!! Would Aiden come with this…? 🙂

5. Rose Hathaway (Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead): I’m not exactly sure what she would wear, but I’ll carry a stake around! If I could be a tenth of how snarky and awesome she is, I’d be happy.

Since I’m not actually going anywhere for Halloween this year, I didn’t go to the trouble of putting together an awesome assassin costume… but I totally will next year if I have something to do! This year I’ll be passing out candy at home in a ladybug costume. Haha. Maybe I could be a badass ladybug…?

Anyway, tell me – which characters would you love to be for Halloween??



8 responses to “TTT: Top FIve Characters I’d Totally Want to be for Halloween!!

  1. I really need to read Throne of Glass. And I think a badass ladybug would rock to hand out candy. If I had more time, and didn’t procrastine, I’d totally go as Hermione for Halloween. Great choices!!!! And the Grisha question is hard to pick.

  2. I thought about Caelena and Rose too! I added Ginny Weasley over Hermione to my list because I think being a redhead for the day would be even more fun!

  3. 1. OMG YES, THAT CLOAK! I would LOVE to dress up as Celaena ♥ My hair might be the wrong colour but hey! it could still totally work ;-D
    3. YUP ^^ ANYTHING HP related would work for me but I adore Hermione too so that would be the best! I’ve also always wanted one of those scarves…along with ALL the HP memorabilia LOL
    4. Oh my, I’m catching up on the Covenant series atm with book 3; Deity and hell yess Sentinel Black as the badass that is Alex would be awesome. Man do I ever wish Aiden came with…

    Awesome picks Wendy ^^ x

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