Series: The Selection #2
Published by Harper Collins on April 23rd 2013
Genres: Girls & Women, Love & Romance, Royalty, Young Adult
Pages: 352
Format: Audiobook
Source: Library

Kiera Cass’s The Elite is a must-read for fans of dystopian fiction, fairy tales, and reality TV. This sequel to The Selection will enchant teens who love Divergent and The Bachelor. In America Singer’s world, a bride is chosen for the prince through an elaborate televised competition. In the second book of the Selection series, America is one of only six girls left in the running. But is it Prince Maxon—and life as the queen—she wants? Or is it Aspen, her first love? The Elite delivers the adventure, glamour, political intrigue, and romance readers of The Selection expect, and continues the love triangle that captivated them.
The Sound:
Similar to my thoughts on The Selection audio, I liked the narrator, I thought she suited America well. However, the different voies would blend
The Story:
Alright. I really enjoyed The Selection. I liked the world, I liked Maxon, I had no problems with America, I was eager for more! But ohhhh the triangle drove me absolutely NUTS in this one. The Selection has now been narrowed to the Elite — six final girls. What’s next?? Well. America literally waffles between Maxon and Asspen for the entirety of the book. She waffles in the kind of way that makes me hate love triangles. When she’s with Maxon, everything is right and she can begin to see her future with him. When she’s with Aspen, she talks about how he’s always been the only one she’s loved, yada yada yada. I understand America is only 16. And for a large part of the book, that’s what I would think to myself. She’s young, she needs time to figure things out. But I just couldn’t STAND how she could sit with Maxon and tell him she would give the future a chance but not tell him that she’s off cuddling with Aspen too. And vice versa. How can you tell Aspen you love him but still lead Maxon on? Die, triangle, dieee! The same thoughts go through her head and it goes back and forth and back and forth and dear lord, I just wanted the waffling to end.
Some of my rage is probably attributed to the fact that I detest Aspen and was so mad at things he said. Every scene with him in it, I audibly groaned. I had so many issues with him and just LONGED for America to see that maybe while she loved him before, maybe it’s time to get over it. Otherwise, I’m taking Maxon, thanks.
One thing I really loved about The Elite though? America’s dad. He is amazing. He supports her and shows her unconditional love and I just loved all the things he said to her. To be herself. That she’s strong. That whatever she does, whatever she decides, he will love her no matter what. It’s such a great relationship! I really loved her dad.
I wanted to shake some sense into America this whole book. It’s normal to feel doubts about handling a whole nation, to be a princess. But… do you have to keep whining about it for the WHOLE BOOK? I just wanted her to find herself, to see that she has a lot more to her than she believes she does. I was just dying for her to finally realize it. I was also dying for her to finally realize Maxon is NOT the bad guy. She keeps thinking the worst of him and the best of Aspen and I’m just like, girl. Come on. OPEN YOUR EYES.
But you know what? Despite all my raging, I’m invested. I need things to work out. I need America to man up. I need Aspen to go away. How do I want to yell at everything in this book and yet still like it? I don’t know, either. It’s book crack.
In Short…
Lots of raging, hated the triangle but oh man, I am jumping straight to the next one!
This one drove me insane too! I just wanted to push Aspen off a wall lol because the triangle was so freaking annoying! I loved the moments between Maxon and Mer though, I think this is the one where they were stuck in a safe room? Anyway I loved that moment so much!