I’m so excited to be participating in quite a few reading challenges this year! I did three last year (not counting the GR one) and didn’t manage to complete all of them but I’m hoping to this year! And I’m also going to be doing MORE challenges — am I crazy?! However, I’mย really excited about all of these! ๐ Without further ado… theย five challenges I will be doing in 2016!
The Contemporary Romance Reading Challenge hosted by Jess at Gone With The Words and Danielle at Love at First Page!
My Goal:
I will be aiming to complete the Grand Slam level which is 21+ books. I do read quite a bit of contemporary romance so I think this is within my reach, not to mention I have a lot of options on both my kindle and owned shelves!
The Re-Read Challenge hosted by Kelly at Belle of the Literati
I really enjoyed participating in the re-read challenge last year! Since I started blogging, there were just so many books to read that rereading was put on the back burner. However, I LOVE rereading. I used to do it all the time. I was so happy to get back to doing that last year! I reread many favorites, including the series of my heart (Harry Potter) and I loved that I could make the time to revisit my favorites. While I failed at my goal last year… sad… I definitely want to do it again because of how much I enjoyed it!
My Goal:
Last year, my goal was 18 which I fell short of by a measly 2. I’m going to make my goalย 15 this year. Some possibilities that I want to reread:
The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer (on audio)
The Lumatere Chronicles by Melina Marchetta
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
Lirael and Abhorsen by Garth Nix (I totally started to reread the series last year and forgot after Sabriel, oops!)
The Rock My TBR Challenge hosted by Sarah at The YA Book Traveler
I am SUPER excited for this challenge! The point of this challenge is to get to all those books we have bought because we were SO excited for them… and somehow still have not read. I have a ridiculous amount of both kindle and physical books that I own that Iย still have not gotten to. This is perfect for me to tackle those!
My Goal:
At least one per month from either my Kindle or bookshelves. I’m not going to list any because I truly have a ridiculous number of owned and unread books, ha!
The Flights of Fantasy Challenge hosted by Alexa at Alexa Loves Books and Rachel at Hello, Chelly
I loved doing the Flights of Fantasy challenge last year! I noticed that in 2014 I hadn’t read that many fantasy books and it’s myย favorite genre! I wanted to make sure I made it a point to get to all the fantasy titles I want to read and it was a great way to do it!
My Goal:
I’m going to make my goal the same as last year which wasย 25 fantasy books. I’m so excited for all the upcoming fantasy goodness!
A Series A Month Challenge hosted by Danielle at Love At First Page
I’m excited to be participating in A Series A Month again! It definitely helped motivate me to get to aย lot of series I had been meaning to read last year! I managed to complete 10 series last year which I was proud of (but also slightly sad I didn’t actually get one done forย every month).ย I can’t wait to do it again this year! I’m not going to list the series I may be tackling because then I tend to feel constrained but look for my monthly recaps this year for which ones I take on!
We’re participating in three of the same challenges!! I couldn’t NOT join the contemporary romance one. Rock My TBR looks like it’s going to be pretty fun. I like that there’s going to be a lot going on with it (with buddy reads, a Twitter chat, etc.). Flights of Fantasy is a pretty great challenge. ๐ The rereading challenge looks like a good one! I used to reread a lot too, but I believe I only got to three last year. Good luck in all your challenges!
Yay for challenges! We can do them! I wanted to put a number down for my challenges, but decided against it. I’m just going to try and be cognizant of books I’ve read and try to include them in the challenges. ๐
Speaking of, I probably need to start my series for this month soon. Haha. GRISHA!
We’re doing a lot of similar challenges! I’m also doing Rock My TBR (which I would’ve done anyway even if it wasn’t a challenge), Flights of Fantasy, and ReRead2016 (I love this reread challenge!). Your goals sound good too, especially for all you DO read. Make it a slight challenge, but not so overreaching it feels daunting.
I have to laugh at the RmTBR goal. Everyone’s been saying the same thing: too many unread owned books, putting a number on a goal sounds crazy hard. I put at least one a month as well, though it might be more than that!
So glad you are joining two of my challenges. ๐ We will have so much fun!
Don’t forget with the Contemp Romance one there is a monthly topic you can do too. ๐
I am so excited about reading challenges this year too! I also signed up for The Re-Read Challenge and the Contemporary Romance challenge. Good luck!
I’m so happy you’ll be joining us again for FLIGHTS OF FANTASY! I really enjoy the challenge to read more fantasies, since I genuinely love fantasy books and worlds. Here’s to hoping we both hit our goals!