The Monday Musts (1)

Posted January 11, 2016 by Wendy in Monday Musts / 7 Comments


The Monday Musts is a new weekly meme that Jessica at Lovin’ Los Libros recently started! It’ll be a fun opportunity to feature a must read, must listen and a must see! The latter can have a wide scope — a must see blog post, exciting bookish discovery, fun picture, video, etc.

I thought the meme sounded like a lot of fun and decided to join in!

Must Read:

saga 1 cover

Saga by Brian K. Vaughan

I really haven’t read many graphic novels but picked some more up recently. Saga wasΒ so good. It’s sci-fi and fantasy and features a couple just trying to make it with their newborn baby. I loved the illustrations and got completely caught up in the story and absolutely can’t wait to get to the next volume! I would definitely recommend this one to pick up!

Must Listen:

made in the am

Artist: One Direction
Album: Made in the A.M.

I am such a big fan of One Direction!! I love them so much. I was so sad to hear about their hiatus but at the same time, they totally deserve a break! They’ve been touring and writing albums nonstop for years! I just hope they, you know, come back after their break… Anyway, their newest album Made in the A.M. actually took me a little while to warm up to — it’s just a little different. However, I definitely have come to really like it! One of my favorites from the album below:

Must See:

star wars force awakens

Okay, I’m sure most of you guys have seen Star Wars Episode VII by now BUT I recently just saw it last week with my dad and it was sooo good! I had a few complaints but for the most part, loved it! Now I just need to go rewatch episodes 4-6 just because! πŸ™‚ I also have read lots of theories and some of them are just so oh-my-god that I can’t wait for the next!Β So far away, gah. I really liked all the little nods to the previous movies, got extremely happy when Han tells Chewie “we’re home” and I also fell in love with a Resistance pilot, Poe Dameron! <3

poe dameron


That’s it for my Monday Musts! Feel free to join in the fun!



7 responses to “The Monday Musts (1)

  1. Yes yes yes I love Saga. I’m planning to read the third volume this week! Also YES for Star Wars OBVIOUSLY. I’m not a huge 1D fan but I’ve also never really given them a try. Could be worth a shot πŸ˜‰

  2. This is a fun new feature^^ I was fairly late to seeing Star Wars myself and I think we felt pretty much the same way about it. I also had a few complaints but other than that it was really fun! I have some theories too – some that are zOMG – and I already can’t wait for the next installment! Also? Poe? YES PLEASE β™₯

  3. I LOVE ALL OF YOUR MONDAY MUST PICKS! I’ve read the first volume of Saga and really enjoyed it; I just need to get my hands on the next ones. And I loved Star Wars (saw it twice), and can’t wait to own it πŸ˜‰ AND I obviously approve of 1D love!

  4. Omg I’m seriously such a huge fan of 1D. Let’s be friends so we can fangirl over them haha! I completely agree with you about taking awhile to warm up to Made in the A.M. Perfect is my favorite song on the album by far!

  5. Ah 1D! I love that song. In fact- I’ve really loved ALOT of their songs. Haha. I have never read a graphic novel before! Sheri was telling me about some awesome ones, so maybe someday?

    And yay for Star Wars! I’m glad we felt the same way! And yes I just love Poe too! And HAN. CHEWIE. *Runs away*

  6. I really loved Star Wars! There were some things that bothered me but omg Harrison Ford was PERFECT and I adored all the new characters.

    So a One Direction song came onto my Pandora the other day… something about ‘you love who you love’.. anyway, it was very catchy and I immediately thought of you! πŸ˜›

  7. I love this feature!!! How fun!! Made in the A.M. has been growing on me a lot actually, I’d say I love about half the songs. But Perfect is still my fave πŸ™‚ I listened to Take Me Home the other night and it sounded soooo different! So pop and bubblegum haha! But it’s a classic, made me happy. AND YOU KNOW I LOVED STAR WARS!!!! Finn is awesome but Rey and Poe are my favorites and little BB8 eeeeeeee πŸ™‚ I loved all the nods too. May 2017 seems so far away!

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