The Monday Musts (3)

Posted January 25, 2016 by Wendy in Monday Musts / 11 Comments


The Monday Musts is a new weekly meme that Jessica at Lovin’ Los Libros recently started! It’ll be a fun opportunity to feature a must read, must listen and a must see! The latter can have a wide scope — a must see blog post, exciting bookish discovery, fun picture, video, etc.

I thought the meme sounded like a lot of fun and decided to join in!

Must Read:

steelheart cover

Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson

I don’t know why I just hadn’t picked this one up before, like I’m really not sure why it took me so long to get to reading Brandon Sanderson (I started the Mistborn series a few months ago!) Nikki told me how much she enjoyed the audios for this series and I REALLY enjoyed it! Super action packed and engaging and also humorous! I already started the sequel!

Must Listen:

pirates soundtrack

Pirates of the Caribbean Soundtrack

Firstly, I was OBSESSED with this movie and Orlando Bloom in high school and watched it multiple times in theaters. Secondly, I really love this soundtrack. I used to listen to it a lot and this past weekend, at my kickboxing class, one of the songs was a remixed version that wasย super cool. I looked around on youtube and there are actually many remixed versions out there but this one came close.

Must See:

I’m sure you all have seen this by now but I can’t get enough of this video, I keep replaying it because he is just SO EXCITED about the snow! Haha.

That’s it for my Monday Musts! Feel free to join in the fun!



11 responses to “The Monday Musts (3)

  1. Oh.My.Word. that panda bear playing around in the snow is THE cutest thing ever โ™ฅโ™ฅ We were supposed to get a dose of that massive storm over the weekend too but for some reason it passed right by us…I’m kind of bummed actually, since when are Canadians ripped off when it comes to storms and snow LOL! I’m happy you enjoyed Steelheart so much Wendy, I’ll keep that in mind about the audio if/when I reread the series ๐Ÿ˜‰ Have a great week! xx

  2. You’re killing me with the Sanderson man. That reminds me I need to DM Rebecca today. She mentioned possibly buddy reading Mistborn! Woo! That would motivate me to do it! Haha!

    I used to LOVE soundtracks! I haven’t listened in a long time, but when I was in HS, I would drive around jamming to my soundtracks or showtunes. LOL.

    And aww the panda! I love him! He’s so precious!

  3. I have never seen that video before and holy cuteness! I had to play it twice before I could move on to comment haha! Yay for Steelheart! Now I haven’t finished it YET I started it in December but then really wanted to do my HP reread so I put it aside. I was LOVING it though. Brandon Sanderson really knows how to do world building and characters right! And also yay for Orlando Bloom obsessions! I went through one of those too. Though mine was during LotR so maybe I had more of an elf fetish? I don’t know….

  4. Hi Wendy! Oh my gosh, that panda is so darn cute! I will definitely check out the audiobook of that book you recommended. It sounds fun. Have a great week!

  5. Sooooo great minds think alike. I posted the panda video today for my Monday Musts, too. I got such a good laugh out of it this weekend. Did you see the video of the person in a panda suit who imitated Tian Tian? Hahaha. It was hilarious.

  6. I keep hearing great things about Brandon Sanderson’s books – I’ll have to check one out! I LOVE Pirates of the Caribbean, but for some reason never really thought of there being a soundtrack – ha! I’ll have to check that out, too. And that panda video is hilarious. I giggled so hard when I saw it yesterday on Facebook, but I’ll use any excuse to watch it again. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Have a great week!
    ~Marie @ Ramblings of a Daydreamer
    My Monday Musts

  7. Oh goodness, I love the panda in the snow video! It’s seriously adorable, and definitely puts a smile on my face every time I see it. And I LOVE the Pirates of the Caribbean movie! I think the soundtrack is phenomenal, and I’ll always love Captain Jack, Will and Elizabeth <3

  8. OMG I was OBSESSED with Pirates in high school! I mean OBSESSED lol. I loved Orlando and Keira’s romance so much, and of course Johnny as Jack Sparrow was amazing. It’s been so long since I watched those movies – I need to do so again!

  9. This is a fun post, I may have to participate! Yes, Brandon Sandersonโ€ฆI will read anything and everything he writes. I just finished reading Bands of Mourning. I also bought the novella (some Mistborn history book, I don’t even know what it’s about but I know I have to read it since he wrote it).

    Yesโ€ฆJohnny Depp. Haven’t seen those movies in FOREVER.

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