Book Blogger Loveathon 2016 Kickoff!

Posted February 20, 2016 by Wendy in Blogger Love-A-Thon / 29 Comments


It is that time of year! It’s time for the Love-a-thon! This is truly one of my favorite things because the weekend is just so full of book blogger love and fun twitter chats and challenges! I always find new blogs and new bloggers to follow and it’s just a lot of fun! To kick it off, we are introducing ourselves with this fun questionnaire! I can’t wait to check out YOUR blogs and see your answers!

Whatโ€™s your name?

Where in the world are you blogging from?ย 
Seattle, the beautiful Pacific NW, home of the best NFL team ๐Ÿ˜‰

How did you get into blogging in the first place?ย 
JLA was my gateway drug to YA. I’ve always loved reading since I was a kid but kind of tapered off in undergrad. JLA brought me back and then in googling her next releases I discovered BOOK BLOGS. I wanted to chat books with fellow book lovers too! Thus, Book Scents was born. (Thanks JLA!)

How did you come up with your blog name?
I really like the smell of books so I tried to incorporate that in there. ๐Ÿ™‚

What genre do you read and review the most on your blog?ย 
I read and review YA, NA, adult and a wide array of genres but my favorite and also first love, is fantasy. <3

What other types of posts do you do on your blog, apart from reviews?ย 
Top Ten Tuesdays, occasional discussions, and recently, joined in my friend Jessica’s new meme: Monday Musts! It’s so much fun. During the football season, I also do Football Fridays (sporty book talk + football talk + a football hottie of the week). Another reason I’m so sad we have SEVEN months until football is back!

Best blogging experience so far?ย 
BEA when I got to go two years ago was SO much fun and seriously any event where I get to hang out with fellow bloggers. So many of you are my close friends and I wish we all lived closer together. (BEA this year is basically going to be an epic slumber party — are YOU going??)

Favorite thing about the blogging community?ย 
Hands down, without a doubt, the PEOPLE. So many of you are such dear friends that I can’t imagine NOT knowing you and NOT talking to you every single day. What would my life even be like?!

Name the 5 books youโ€™re most excited for this 2016!ย 
Gemina, Traitor Angels, The Crown’s Game, The Crooked Kingdom, Nevernight! There were so many to choose from these are definitely top picks!!

Name the 5 books you want to read this 2016 that you didnโ€™t get to in previous years!ย 
Oh, geez. Like everything. In order to narrow it down, I’ll say 5 2015 releases I meant to read last year and didn’t get to!ย I’ll Meet You There, Red Queen, The Storyspinner, The Orphan Queen, The Start of Me and You

Whatโ€™s an underrated book or series that you think everyone should read?ย 
I really think The Falconerย series by Elizabeth May is underrated! I want more people to read it and talk about it! SO GOOD.

Which book boy or girl would be your book BFF?ย 
I think I’d love to have Rose Hathaway from the Vampire Academy series by my BFF! Also, Hannah Wells from The Deal because she’s awesome, loves One Direction and maybe Garrett can introduce me to other hockey hotties ๐Ÿ˜‰ Also, everyone in The Lunar Chronicles. I want to be in their crew!

Which book boy or girl would be your book boyfriend/girlfriend?ย 
Um, there are so many. I will TRY to keep this concise. Sean Kendrick, any and all guys from the Off Campus series, Carswell Thorne, Ezra Mason, Roar, Hector (Lord Commander of my heart), Sebastian St. Vincent, Dimitri Belikov, Josh Fucking Bennett, Cam Hamilton — these are a few of my favorite boys… haha.

Who would you recruit for your apocalypse squad (5 characters max)ย 
HMM. Gale Hawthorne, because let’s be real, he’s a fighter and a survivor and competent in everything. Darrow from Red Rising series, because he thinks outside the paradigms so he can save us from potential deathly situations (also if I die, he’ll love me forever) and also Sevro too because obviously the Howlers will have my back (I’m counting this as one character because it’s the same series.)ย Rose Hathaway from VA because she is a badass. Kaz from Six of Crows because he’s so smart! Aileana Kameron from The Falconer because she’s more than capable to kill opposing forces plus she can help us construct weapons and other gadgets!

Apart from reading, what are your other hobbies or interests?ย 
I like hiking and baking and Netflix! Also football. There are two seasons in a year. Football season and non football season. Go Hawks!

Apart from book shopping, what else do you like shopping for?ย 
I am currently working on compiling prints for my print gallery wall! So if you have any favorite print shops, bookish or otherwise, let me know! Also candles. Bookish jewelry. Fandom stuff. It all calls to me! Etsy and society6 can be a black hole.

At a party, the DJ suddenly changes the song โ€“ and itโ€™s your song. What song would be playing?ย 
I think I said this as my answer from last year too, but Yeah by Usher! In high school my best friend and I would totally jump up and start dancing when that song came on and I still have that reaction if I hear it! Also, anything by One Direction! ๐Ÿ˜‰ And Footloose always makes me want to get up and dance! (I just gave a really wide array of music genres didn’t I?)

Pick out either a book you want turned into a film/TV show, or a film/TV show you want turned into a book.ย 
This is always so tricky because so many times TV shows or movies totally screw up the book. But some things could look SO awesome on the big screen. Actually some of the ones that come to mind actually have sold film rights. (I’m thinking of Illuminae and Red Rising.) I think Six of Crows could make an awesome heist movie!

What would your dream library look like?ย 
Well besides the Beauty and the Beast one? Haha. My current book room is actually perfect and I love it. I have a comfy recliner chair in there with my bookcases and it’s just my favorite! <3 Soon, my prints will be up and then it’ll be complete!

Author you want to meet and sit down to tea with?ย 
Tea: Katie McGarry! I love her and I’d love to chat books with her.
Coffee: Abigail Haas (and question her about her crazy thrillers), Megan Erickson (she seems like so much fun and we can talk about all her hot boys), Leigh Bardugo (she is super nice and I just want to hang out with her!!)
Drinks:ย Jay Kristoff (he’s so funny! I’d love to get drinks with him and talk books and Firefly and random stuff), Pierce Brown (long story short, I’m in love with him), Cora Carmack (the times I’ve met her I’ve just been like omg I want to be your friend, can we hang out? haha)

Now that you know a bit about me, tell me something about you! I can’t wait to check out everyone else’s answers! Do we have any overlaps of answers? Tell me what we have in common!



29 responses to “Book Blogger Loveathon 2016 Kickoff!

  1. It was so much fun to talk MORNING STAR. I have more to say but was at a conference for 14 hours yesterday! We have some serious overlap in our interests, but I’ve never read The Falconer series. Does it have a romance in it?

    • So glad we got to talk Morning Star!! I seriously can’t stop telling people to read that series. The Falconer kind of has the start of romance but it does have it in the sequel, the Vanishing Throne! ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Yay! I chose Gemina too! I’m so excited for that one! And YES you must read I’ll Meet You There and The Storyspinner this year! I need to read The Falconer! It’s had my eye for so long but I never went after it. LOVE that you made a hefty book boyfriend list1 ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Hi, Wendy! So sad I will be missing BEA…but maybe next year. AND YES TO BELLE’S LIBRARY! I think when they created Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, they wanted to send a subliminal message to the unsuspecting minds of kids! I was 7 when the movie first came out and I was already like I NEED THAT LIBRARY NAAAW!

    I honestly don’t understand football, so I only watch commercials and the half-time show during Super Bowl! XD

  4. I’m hoping to read The Red Queen this year too. I adore this post and happy to get to know you better!! Happy reading ๐Ÿ™‚

    Also.. have no idea what BEA is. Hmm..

  5. Krystianna

    I’ve always wanted to visit Seattle! I’ve heard it rains there a lot and I’m a huge fan of the rain, so I’m quite jealous. I also really want to get to Red Queen this year. I’ve heard nothing but good things about it. ๐Ÿ˜€
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  6. Oh, I would love to meet Megan Erickson! I’m DYING to read Strong Signal, but I need to wait until I get paid in a week. ๐Ÿ™‚

    It’s nice getting to know you! I don’t have much time to do Love-A-Thon, but I’m hopping around the blogs and chatting on Twitter: @Shootingstarmag


  7. Most of your book boyfriends are my book boyfriends, too. Iสปm totally willing to share, lol.

    BEA is my dream…Iสปll attend one day!

    I totally forgot that Gemina comes out this year, too. It still seems sooo far away but I am so excited for it already.

    It was nice getting to know you! Canสปt wait to read more of your posts ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. WENDY, I ADORE YOU <3 I'm so happy that you're a part of this book blogging community, and that we've become friends over the years. I definitely will be reading (and telling you all my feels) The Falconer soon! Thanks for joining us this year, and happy love-a-thon!

  9. I loved your answers, Wendy! It’s cool to get to know you a little better. ๐Ÿ™‚
    I would love to have tea with Katie NcGarry, too! ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. Pierce Brown! (long story short I’m in love with him)… aren’t we all, Wendy? Best apocalypse squad ever! The Howlers would definitely have your back! Just thinking about Yeah by Usher makes me want to dance. Also, I am excited about the possibility of a Red Rising movie but also terrified. I’m just trying to think about how this is going to translate on screen and I’m worried they are going to royally screw it up.

    • Yeah I am worried as well. Like those battle scenes could look so cool on the big screen but there is a lot of inner dialogue…fingers crossed!!! And yes, who wouldn’t be in love with him right.

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