Category: Personal

It’s My TWO YEAR Blogaversary!

It’s My TWO YEAR Blogaversary!

Posted May 7, 2015 by Wendy in Personal / 8 Comments

Today is my TWO YEAR blogaversary! WHAT. Time has flown by! I can’t believe I’ve been blogging for TWO years! Honestly, it snuck up on me, I literally realized over the weekend that the day was drawing nigh. Blogging has become such a large part of my life, I can’t even imagine not knowing you wonderful bookish people, being a part of an amazing community and having people to FLAIL, CRY, LAUGH and GET EXCITED about books with. I never […]

Audiobooks and How I Became A Convert

Audiobooks and How I Became A Convert

Posted April 2, 2015 by Wendy in Personal / 11 Comments

Audiobooks seem like such a big thing now! I see people talking about them on twitter, on their blogs, etc and the whole time, I just think to myself, “well, audiobooks just aren’t for me.” And guess who now listens to audiobooks in the car all the time? *raises hand* Let me tell you how I became an audiobook convert… Before, I had many concerns about audiobooks. See, I love the reading “experience”. I love being wrapped up wholly in […]

Taylor Swift Book Tag!

Taylor Swift Book Tag!

Posted February 11, 2015 by Wendy in Personal / 5 Comments

(graphic from Danielle) The Taylor Swift book tag is created by The Book Life and pairs Taylor Swift songs with YA books! Danielle @ Love At First Page tagged me in this and I couldn’t be more excited to do it! I love Taylor Swift! đŸ™‚ 1. “We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together” Pick a book (or book series) that you were pretty sure you were in love with, but then wanted to break up with: Don’t any of you […]

My NYC Adventures and BEA Recap!

My NYC Adventures and BEA Recap!

Posted June 3, 2014 by Wendy in Personal, recap / 19 Comments

Last week I was able to go to NYC and go to BEA! It was my first time ever at BEA and I was so excited yet nervous (will I get books? what do I say to publishers? will my roommates actually be 50 year old men?) but it was so amazingly fun!! Hope you guys enjoy my recap of my week of NYC adventures and BEA! Tuesday: I was a slacker with packing and also just moved back to […]

BEA Is Coming!!!

BEA Is Coming!!!

Posted May 24, 2014 by Wendy in Personal / 6 Comments

AHHHH BEA is upon us!! I will be leaving on a plane to NYC in a mere matter of days! I could not be more excited to be going to BEA for the first time ever!! Anyway, I originally wanted to do a vlog where I was all “hiii guys this is what I look like, please say hi because I want to meet you!!” However. I got sick last week and my voice decided to go on vacay. So. […]
