Genre: Science Fiction

They Live Among Us

They Live Among Us

Posted August 25, 2014 by Wendy in Reviews / 3 Comments

Why Did I Read? It is the series ender of one of my favorite series! I’ve only been waiting forever for this final book! My Thoughts (No spoilers for this book but may have spoilers for the previous books in the series) I wouldn’t say thatΒ Origin ended in a cliff hanger exactly, but it definitely left me with many many questions and desperate for the next book! I was beyond thrilled when I found it out early at Barnes & […]

Mini Review: Poison Dance by Livia Blackburne

Mini Review: Poison Dance by Livia Blackburne

Posted March 3, 2014 by Wendy in Mini Reviews / 4 Comments

I’m really excited for Midnight Thief and when Livia Blackburne asked if I’d like to read the prequel novella, Poison Dance, I was all for it! Now, novellas are tricky, and it can especially be tricky to introduce a whole new fantasy world in such a short amount of time. However, Poison Dance did a great job and I was immediately sucked into the world. We meet James, an assassin in the Assassin’s Guild. He’s deadly, he kills for a […]

Review: Pawn by Aimee Carter

Review: Pawn by Aimee Carter

Posted December 13, 2013 by Wendy in Reviews / 7 Comments

In Pawn, we are introduced to a dystopian world where people take a test upon turning 17 that will determine their rank for the rest of their lives. The number you get assigned becomes tattooed to the back of your neck and you are designated with a job and a standard of living that correlates with that number. I or II? Well… you’ll probably live in poverty for the rest of your life, doing the most menial tasks. III? Better […]

Review: Origin by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Review: Origin by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Posted September 6, 2013 by Wendy in Reviews / 4 Comments

Jennifer Armentrout. That woman. She does it again! She completely wrapped me up in the story, had my heart breaking one minute and then smirking at the snark the next. I love that! I love being so immersed in the story and having the characters feel so real that I feel like I can reach into the book and touch them. And who wouldn’t want to touch Daemon?? Oh, you hear that? Yep, that’s the sound of Daemon’s ego growing. […]

Review: Pivot Point by Kasie West

Review: Pivot Point by Kasie West

Posted July 18, 2013 by Wendy in Reviews / 7 Comments

Pivot Point was our Girls With Books weekend read along book last weekend! Check my sidebar to take a look at what the other girls thought of Pivot Point! I freaking LOVED this book. I got so wrapped up in it and I could not put it down! In the world in Pivot Point, there are people who have special abilities. There are ones who are telekinetic or telepathic, ones who can persuade, detect lies, erase memories, or in Addie’s […]
