Genre: Young Adult Fiction

Review: Serious Moonlight by Jenn Bennett

Review: Serious Moonlight by Jenn Bennett

Posted April 22, 2019 by Wendy in Reviews / 0 Comments

Why Did I Read? I have LOVED Jenn Bennett’s other YA contemporaries (Alex, Approximately and Starry Eyes) like they’re on all time favorite statuses. So this was one of my most anticipated 2019 releases and ever since I first heard it announced I wanted it ASAP because 1) it takes place in MY BELOVED CITY, 2) mysteries, 3) half-asian love interest! I was so fortunate to snag a copy at ALALMW and it was the first one I read from the books […]

Review: Famous In A Small Town by Emma Mills

Review: Famous In A Small Town by Emma Mills

Posted February 11, 2019 by Wendy in Reviews / 0 Comments

Why Did I Read? There are certain YA contemporary authors that are auto-buys for me, which is a little rare because I typically don’t gravitate toward YA contemp nearly as much so when I say one is an auto-buy, it’s serious business! Emma Mills is one of those authors! She writes the best, real, genuine friendships and stories and I love her! This was a must. My Thoughts: Sophie has lived in this small town her whole life and she […]

Review: Dear Evan Hansen by Val Emmich

Review: Dear Evan Hansen by Val Emmich

Posted September 28, 2018 by Wendy in Reviews / 0 Comments

Why Did I Read? So I actually didn’t know the premise of this one before going into it! I knew it was a popular Broadway musical and this was the novelization and knew it had gained a lot of love this year. But the synopsis? I knew nothing but as a lover of Broadway and knowing there was a big following, I was eager to see what the fuss was about. My Thoughts: This is one of those books that […]

Review: Contagion by Erin Bowman

Review: Contagion by Erin Bowman

Posted September 10, 2018 by Wendy in Reviews / 1 Comment

My Thoughts: So this was one of my top anticipated books of 2018! I really loved Erin Bowman’s Vengeance Road and Retribution Rails so I was psyched to find out she was coming out with a sci fi! Unfortunately… I was really let down! You know when you’re watching a bad movie and everyone is just making bad decisions left and right and you’re sitting there thinking of COURSE you’re going to do that. Like the scary movie when the […]

Review: The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert

Review: The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert

Posted May 14, 2018 by Wendy in Reviews / 1 Comment

Why Did I Read? Oh the hype was huge for this one! The cover is gorgeous! Dark fairytales! It sounded fascinating and JUST like my sort of thing! My Thoughts: Spoiler alert: I was such a black sheep on this one. TheΒ premise is really intriguing. Alice has spent her whole life moving around with her mom because bad luck always seems to find them. Her grandmother is sort of famous for writing a book of dark fairy tales — a […]
