Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton General Division

Review: Sentinel by Jennifer Armentrout

Review: Sentinel by Jennifer Armentrout

Posted December 5, 2013 by Wendy in Reviews / 7 Comments

I honestly don’t know how to write this review and how to put into words how perfect the conclusion to the Covenant series was. Because it was utterly, fantastically, completely perfect. This review will have spoilers to the previous books in the series but no spoilers for Sentinel. =) For those that haven’t read the series, scroll down to the last paragraph!Β  We pick up where we left off in Apollyon — the world is basically ending and the plan […]

Review: Obsession by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Review: Obsession by Jennifer L. Armentrout

Posted June 3, 2013 by Wendy in Reviews / 3 Comments

HOLY CRAP. Okay. Let me just say, I’ve been waiting for Obsession to come out for what feels like forever and as soon as it hit past 12 am on May 31, I realized it was live and I happily 1-clicked it onto my Kindle and into my hot little hands. Hurray! I honestly considered staying up and reading but that would have really killed me the next day so I had to wait almost ALL day before I got […]
