Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish!
This week the topic is reasons I love being a blogger! I am just getting back in town after the long weekend and completely forgot to do this beforehand but I must because I love this topic! Here’s my Top 10 Reasons I LOVE Blogging!
1. Book Talk:
I love being able to chat about books I’m reading or have read with other people! Read alongs are the best and while my #GwB gals and I haven’t done a read along in a while, they were the BEST. Virtual book club is also awesome because we can chat as we read!
2. Judge-free Swooning Over Fictional Boys:
Book boyfriends! I have so many book boyfriends. I love swooning over book boys and shipping my favorite ships! And here, people GET THAT whereas my other friends just tell me “they’re fictional, why does it matter”. UM HELLO swooning over book boys is serious business!
3. Blogging Friends:
I can’t stress how much I LOVE the friends I’ve made through blogging! You guys aren’t just “creepy internet” friends, you are truly simply friends and I love you guys! We can talk not only about all the books we adore but anything and everything else! I love that we all understand the love for books and all things bookish. There is no eye rolling here when I gush over books!
4. Meeting/Chatting with Authors!
Before I started blogging I honestly had no idea talking to authors could be so accessible! I only started a twitter account when I started blogging and I LOVE that I have gotten the opportunity to tell authors how much I love them and their books! I’ve even gotten to go to some book events and gotten to meet some authors in person! How cool is that.
5. Expanding Book Horizons
I feel that blogging allows you to hear about and know about a lot more books that are coming out, as well as indie books. I’ve read books that I honestly would not have known about before. I’m more inclined to try something new, especially as I hear what other bloggers have to say. I also feel like I hear more buzz about books from authors and publishers that I wouldn’t have known about before.
6. ARCs
I’ve gotten the opportunity to read some books before they come out! I didn’t even know that was a thing before I started blogging!
7. Escape
Life is stressful. Life sometimes sucks. Reading is an escape. Blogging is an escape. I love going into my blogging world where I can enjoy my books and hang out with other amazing bookish people.
8. Outlet for My Book Opinions
Sometimes you read a book and you have a LOT OF FEELS or LOTS OF THOUGHTS and where do those go?? Blogging lets me voice my opinions about the books that I read.
9. Educational
I have learned so much about the publishing world! It’s so interesting to know how these things work and what happens before a book is out there in the world for us to read.
10. Renewing My Writing Love
I used to write a lot. Short stories and things I thought would be amazing novels. I stopped writing and blogging has reminded me how much I used to love it!
Great list I love love love your number seven and four
here’s mine: My TTT@Ramblings of a Bookworm
I love that you put ‘expanding book horizons’! I completely agree with this. Prior to blogging I stuck with what I knew I’d love– but now that I talk to so many people and discover so many books it is really easy to take that leap and try something I probably wouldn’t otherwise!
Judge free swooning! Love it!
Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings
Oh my god! “Judge-free Swooning Over Fictional Boys” I LOVE LOVE LOVE this! So perfect and so true!
Great list! I never knew about ARCs until I started blogging either, but I love getting them now!
Tina @ Pages of Comfort – new follower via bloglovin
My Top Ten
It seems that blogging really inspires a lot of people to write/renew their love of writing! I am hoping to one day write down some of my stories swirling around my head. Blogging has given me some confidence to do that!
Jennifer @ A Librarian’s Library–My TTT!
Great picks
Haha ‘Judge-free swooning’ is an amazing point! I definitely agree with that. I didn’t know about ARCs before I started the blog either and they are AMAZING! My TTT.
Big yes to your “educational” point. I love learning more about the publishing industry, or even just which publishers I tend to enjoy more, who’s got the most exciting books coming out, etc. Being involved in blogging necessitates learning a LOT, and I love that too!!
I love this topic and seeing everyone’s reasons for being a reader and blogger.
Awesome list <3
Here's our TTT
Doris @ OABR
I love having an outlet for my writing! Great list!
Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings
I love ARCs too!
I love your list, Wendy! I have to say as an Author, I love interacting with bloggers (LIKE YOU and the GwB) and for me, writing is my escpae. And who knew ARCs existed, right?
PS I’m intrigued that you write. Email me and tell me more about that!!
Yes to all these things! Especially friends! Like you! <3 I hope I get to meet you in real life at BEA this year! And I totally agree on the reading as an escape. I put it on my list too in a way. I love the way that books let me escape into completely different worlds and forget about my real life for a while!
Yes to all of those! Blog buddies, arc’s, book swooning, GWB’s readalongs have all made me so happy. Blogging is time consuming but is the best hobby I ever had.