TTT: Top Four Books People Have Told Me I MUST Read

Posted August 18, 2014 by Wendy in Top Ten Tuesday / 7 Comments


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme hosted by the Broke and the Bookish!

I basically really really fail at today’s Top 10 Tuesday. I know there have been so many times when people gape at me or yell at me in caps because I STILL haven’t read something that I really must read. But when I sat down to list them out? I drew a big fat blank. So you all can do me a favor and let me know what YOU want to recommend to me! Something you think I’d adore or something you can’t believe I have yet to read? Let me know! In the meantime… here are the four I came up with!

1. The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer: I’ve been MEANING to read these. I feel like I would love them. Rebecca, I can see you about to respond to this in caps… Soon, I swear!

2. Colleen Hoover books: The general response when I say I’ve only read Maybe Someday by her is somewhere between “what?!” “go do it!” or just a raised eyebrow look. I know, I know. I’ve met her. I own Slammed, Hopeless and Losing Hope. I will get to it!

3. Bloodlines series by Richelle Mead: I don’t even know why I haven’t read it yet. Maybe because I don’t own all of them, just the first. I know I’ll love it! I can’t wait for more Adrian!

4. Winner’s Curse by Marie Rutkowski: There was so much hype around this book and I wanted to read it SO badly especially as everyone shouted to read it! I will, I will!

Alright, that’s all I came up with. What do YOU think I should read? Tell me!



7 responses to “TTT: Top Four Books People Have Told Me I MUST Read


    Okay, I’ll turn my caps lock off now… Also, Winner’s Curse. Amazing! Totally lived up to all the hype. 🙂

    How about this…I’ll read Lux if you read Lunar Chronicles?

  2. Colleen Hoover made my list, too, oddly enough haha. I also read Maybe Someday and enjoyed it but I didn’t love Slammed. The other three books on your list are faves of mine and I definitely recommend all three!

    New Twitter follower 🙂
    Amanda @ i solemnly swear

  3. AHHHHHHHH YES, THE WINNER’S CURSE, READ THAT IMMEDIATELY. You will love it, seriously. The slow-burn romance BURNS.

    And of course TLC. ALWAYS TLC. Though since the last book is coming out in November next year, you could always wait and binge-read the first three right before! SUPER FUN!!

    Also I tweeted this at you, but if you haven’t read Brigid Kemmerer’s ELEMENTAL series, you need to get on that. The last book comes out soon, so it’s on my mind. It’s seriously the best contemporary paranormal series I’ve ever read. A perfect balance of those two genres. SO GOOD.

  4. Sooooooo 3/4 of these I am DEMANDING you read.
    Lunar Chronicles – I think you will love it! It’s such a fun series that gets better with every book. Plus – SHIPS.
    Bloodlines – duh. You know I’ve been begging you to read this for forever. Adrian will not disappoint you. 🙂
    The Winner’s Curse – just finished this recently and the writing is beautiful! It’s not the easiest book to read, but I think the series as a whole is going to be beautiful.

    Now, *pushes all the books at you*

  5. Anna G

    I absolutely adored Slammed! It’s what got me turned on to New Adult books. I would also recommend Reason to Breathe by Rebecca Donovan (it’s mature YA, but later in the series she’s in college). It has some serious content, but it’s well written.

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