TTT: Top Ten Most Anticipated Releases For the Rest of 2015!

Posted June 9, 2015 by Wendy in Top Ten Tuesday / 18 Comments


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish! 

This week we’re talking about our most anticipated releases for the rest of 2015! We talked about our top releases for 2015 back in December but as most were pretty first half of 2015 heavy, we’re discussing the rest of 2015 today! I absolutely cannot wait for these releases!

queen of shadows cover

1. Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas: Like duh. I NEED this book in my hands!

six of crows cover

2. Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo: It’s in the Grishaverse! I’ve been pining after this book since I knew it existed!

ash & bramble cover

3. Ash & Bramble by Sarah Prineas: A Cinderella retelling!! I want it!

black widow cover

4. Black Widow: Forever Red by Margaret Stohl: I am such a huge fan of all things Marvel and Black Widow? YES, PLEASE.

armada cover

5. Armada by Ernest Cline: I loved Ready Player One so I was really excited when I heard about this new one coming out!

walk on earth a stranger cover

6. Walk On Earth A Stranger by Rae Carson: A new fantasy from Rae Carson!!! YES! And it says “a slow burning romance” — yes, yes and more yes.

the boy most likely to cover

7. The Boy Most Likely To by Huntley FitzpatrickFinally we are getting Tim’s story! I’m so excited!

never never cover

8. Never Never by Brianna Shrum: This sounds like a dark retelling of Peter Pan and I’m so intrigued!

dream strider cover

9. Dream Strider by Lindsay Smith: For some reason this one reminded me of Inception – the dream aspect, I guess. “Fantastical espionage”? Count me in!

court of fives cover

10. Court of Fives by Kate Elliot: Different classes separating people and a big competition? You’ve got my attention!

Which books are YOU looking forward to that are releasing this year? Do we have any overlaps? After putting together my list, I now feel like I am DYING for these books!



18 responses to “TTT: Top Ten Most Anticipated Releases For the Rest of 2015!

  1. Hahaha our lists are literally almost the same. That’s awesome. I’m really excited for Never Never too! The author was signing ARCs at BEA, but I didn’t make it to the signing line and when I made it over to the Spencer Hill booth they were out. 🙁 Oh well. The guy I was talking to there said it would probably be up on Netgalley when it gets a little closer to release.

  2. AHHHH. I have so much love for Rae Carson and I’m super excited for her new book. Also YES to Six of Crows (although I haven’t read Ruin and Rising yet…gah. I haven’t managed to find it anyway, but I’m so in love with Sturmhond, I hope that trilogy ends well. xD) and QUEEN OF SHADOWS HECK YES. Although I’m super worried about those characters. Sarah J Maas loves to torment them doesn’t she?!
    Here’s my TTT!

  3. Ohhh so many of these look REALLY GOOD and I haven’t seen them before. Yay new books!!!

    Although…uh we may need to friendship breakup 🙁 You = Marvel, Me = DC. Sigh. I knew our happiness wouldn’t last *Cries*

    Haha seriously though I need to add most of these to my TBR. Obviously I’m excited for Boy Most Likely To want Tim’s book!!! 😀

  4. So many excellent picks! I’m so glad that Armada’s release so quickly closing, because I just can’t wait another dose of Ernest-induced awesomeness 🙂 Same for Queen of Shadows – Maas is the queen!

  5. QUEEN OF SHADOWS. Yup, basically: DUH. WE NEED THIS BOOK and we need it BAD. ♥ Needless to say, it was at the top of my list this week too XD I also have Walk on Earth a Stranger. it sounds SO amazing! Court of Fives and Six of Crows are awesome picks too^^ Oh and I still need to read Ready Player One but seeing the sequel all over today is totally motivating me to get on it! Fantastic selection Wendy!! x

  6. Tammy (@tammygeo)

    I’m starting Court Of Fives today so I’m hoping for a great fantasy read! Top reads for me vary depending on the mood I’m in but Sweet Temptation, Soundless, Hunter, Need, After The Red Rain, Reawakened, Illuminae all top the list because they’re authors I’ve read and enjoyed in the past.

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