Series: The Selection #1
Published by Harper Collins on April 24th 2012
Genres: Girls & Women, Love & Romance, Royalty, Young Adult
Pages: 352
Format: Audiobook
Source: Library
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For thirty-five girls, the Selection is the chance of a lifetime. The opportunity to escape the life laid out for them since birth. To be swept up in a world of glittering gowns and priceless jewels. To live in a palace and compete for the heart of gorgeous Prince Maxon.But for America Singer, being Selected is a nightmare. It means turning her back on her secret love with Aspen, who is a caste below her. Leaving her home to enter a fierce competition for a crown she doesn't want. Living in a palace that is constantly threatened by violent rebel attacks.Then America meets Prince Maxon. Gradually, she starts to question all the plans she's made for herself—and realizes that the life she's always dreamed of may not compare to a future she never imagined.
The Sound:
The narrator was pretty good, I had no complaints. Sometimes the different voices blended together a bit but nothing too bad.
The Story:
You know, this series garners such passionate reactions from both ends of the spectrum! Honestly, the mixed reviews had me so hesitant to pick this up. But Kelly convinced me that it was worth it to check it out! And I’m glad I did! See, I love the Bachelor and the Bachelorette. It’s my guilty pleasure reality TV show that I watch. Are there cheesy lines? Yes. Is the drama too much? Yes. Can I look away? NO. The Selection is like the Bachelor but set in a dystopian time and the bachelor? Oh, yeah, it’s the prince and if you win, you become a princess and future leader of your country! Talk about pressure!
So in this dystopian time, there are caste systems and you’re ranked from 1-8. Eights are basically homeless. Ones are the royalty. America Singer is a five and her family are artists. She gets chosen to be in the selection and joins 34 other girls in the competition for Maxon’s heart.
Now. I totally loved Maxon in this one. He’s kind of dorky and a little awkward but totally cute and has a good heart. He’s adorable! So what’s preventing America from being fully invested and falling for the amazing Maxon? Her first love, Aspen. You guys, I’ve never hated someone so much. Before America leaves for the Selection Aspen is all I loooove youuu but we can’t be together because my ego is too big and I can’t stand to have you take care of me because I’m in a lower caste so… we should break up. Umm. Sure, Aspen, way to be anti-feminist.
Anyway, so America is trying to get over Aspen and Maxon is all sorts of adorable. There are interviews with the girls, dates with Maxon and it’s all televised. I love the Bachelor so all these things were just so much fun. It was my favorite part of the book, to see the little segments of the “show” and such.
There are also some rebel attacks that occur. We don’t get that much information about these rebel groups (there seem to be two separate ones) but they periodically attack the palace. I realize this sounds vague but to be honest, the lack of information about the rebel groups didn’t really bother me that much. I was more interested in America’s friendship with one of the girls, Marlee, and how nice she is to her maids. I didn’t see what people were complaining about because I really did enjoy the story! It was fun! It’s not earth shattering material but it’s FUN.
In Short…
The Selection spoke to my Bachelor loving heart and I was swept up in this fun story! It’s kind of like a dystopian-lite but the country of Illea and the rebels that attack still intrigued me enough to be curious to learn more in the next book! I know the reviews are highly mixed but if you like the Bachelor, or just a fun story, think about checking it out! There is an adorable prince involved and we’ll just ignore the point of the love triangle I want to strangle.
I’m glad you liked this one! I totally agree with the dystopian-lite, but I really liked it! Aspen drove me crazy too and I really wanted him out of the picture! Grrr. I did love Maxon though- he was super adorkable!
[…] Scents reviews The Selection, by Kierra Cass, narrated by Amy […]
I am happy to see you enjoyed it! I still don’t know if I would tolerate the drama LOL
So glad you enjoyed this! It’s so bad it’s good lol. This series is compulsive reading for me. I cannot look away. Not gonna lie, I wanted to shake the shizz out of America at times lol!