Café Chat: How Do YOU Tackle Those Backlist Books?

Posted February 24, 2020 by Wendy in Cafe Chat, Discussion / 0 Comments

Cup of coffee: a header for a bookish discussion post

When I first started blogging there were all these popular YA titles that I added to my TBR because everyone it seemed had read them or loved them. As the years went on, my TBR grew exponentially (and is still growing at the same rate it seems!) and there are a lot of books I’ve always wanted to read that keep getting pushed by the wayside for a newer, shinier release.

OR, I read a new release by an author, LOVE it and want to read the author’s backlist. OR, it’s a title that was a new release that you really wanted to read but it’s now three years later and the author has already come out with a few more books. Oops!

All that to say, I have a HUGE number of backlist books that I want to read and yet never seem to have time for! Most of them, I’m pretty sure I’d love! But there’s always another review book, always a new release, always something else. I know that you all know what I’m talking about!

How do you tackle those backlist books? I was considering this question because earlier this year* I finally read a book that has been on my TBR for ages and is something many friends had told me I’d love. Well, I read it and guess what? LOVED IT. I should have read it like three years ago. But… case and point here – I’ve been meaning to finish the trilogy after that and haven’t managed to do so!! (*would like to add that I started this post last year and never got around to finishing it and I STILL haven’t finished the trilogy in question and need to reread that book because I have the worst book amnesia. Case and point!)

I just have too many books, not enough time. Story of ALL our lives. I want to be able to get to these backlist titles though. So, how do YOU tackle those backlist books? Do you try to work one in every month or so among review books and new releases? Do you just read whatever the mood strikes you to read? Do you make monthly TBR lists and stick to it? (Major props to you if you do because that’s one thing I have not managed to do in all these years of blogging.)

Just for fun, here are some of my top backlist titles that I really need to read one day. And yes, I KNOW, I think I’d really love these, too.

Tell me how you get to those backlist titles! And while you’re at it: what are some backlist books that have been on your TBR for ages that you have yet to get to? What are some older titles you know you’d love that you haven’t read yet? What is a recent backlist book you read that you wish you’d read sooner?



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