Author: Wendy

Review: The Vanishing Throne by Elizabeth May

Review: The Vanishing Throne by Elizabeth May

Posted June 17, 2016 by Wendy in Reviews / 1 Comment

Why Did I Read? Oh, you know, because the cliff hanger at the end of The Falconer nearly killed me! I can’t even imagine you poor souls who had to wait years after that — how did you survive?! My Thoughts: The Vanishing Throne picks up right where we left off and things start off with a bang. Aileana is at the mercy of Lonnrach in the Sith-bruh and both the human world and the fae world is basically falling apart. Things are […]

Review: Unrivaled by Alyson Noel

Review: Unrivaled by Alyson Noel

Posted June 15, 2016 by Wendy in Reviews / 1 Comment

Why Did I Read? This was pitched to me as “Gossip Girls with a mystery”. I was in! I really loved Gossip Girls back in the day! My Thoughts: I was totally sucked into this book right off the bat. It opens with Madison Brooks, the hottest celeb in town, getting taken. We then flash back in time to meet three characters who get hired to be club promoters — they each have their reasons for doing so. Money, career […]

TTT: Top Ten Most Anticipated Books For The Rest of 2016!

TTT: Top Ten Most Anticipated Books For The Rest of 2016!

Posted June 14, 2016 by Wendy in Top Ten Tuesday / 7 Comments

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish! This week we are talking about the books we are MOST excited for in the rest of 2016! I’m not going to lie, I’ve been sadly disappointed by a lot of my really anticipated titles so far this year so I’m really hoping that won’t be the case for these books I’m HIGHLY anticipating! 1. Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco: This just sounds amazing […]

Mini Reviews: A Darker Shade of Magic, A Gathering of Shadows, Him

Mini Reviews: A Darker Shade of Magic, A Gathering of Shadows, Him

Posted June 8, 2016 by Wendy in Mini Reviews, Reviews / 2 Comments

I loved this one! It was really everything that I love in fantasy. It was so unique with all the different Londons and I absolutely loved watching them unfold and learning more about each one and the magic involved and that was intrinsic to each. Besides the uniqueness of the magic, I absolutely loved the characters. We have Kell, who can travel between Londons, who has a fabulous coat with many, many, layers and is adopted into the royal family because […]

Review: The Long Game by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Review: The Long Game by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

Posted June 3, 2016 by Wendy in Reviews / 1 Comment

Why Did I Read? I have been anticipating this since I read The Fixer last year! There were questions that needed to be answered! My Thoughts: (There will be no spoilers for The Long Game but may be a SLIGHT–very very slight– spoiler for The Fixer in my review!) I really enjoyed The Fixer, I thought it was a great political intrigue thriller and kept me glued to the pages. However, its sequel just plain blew it out of the water! I’m not sure what […]
