Author: Wendy

Audiobook Review: Front Lines by Michael Grant

Audiobook Review: Front Lines by Michael Grant

Posted April 7, 2016 by Wendy in Reviews / 2 Comments

The Sound: I really liked this narrator! I thought she did a great job for each POV that we were in. No complaints here! The Story: I really thought I’d like this one more than I actually did. It takes place in an alternate history where women are allowed to fight in WWII. Firstly, I love historical fiction. Secondly, this premise sounds awesome! The story is told in three different POV. One is a naive girl named Rio from California, […]

Monthly Recap! March 2016

Monthly Recap! March 2016

Posted April 6, 2016 by Wendy in recap / 4 Comments

How does every month just fly by?! I can’t believe it’s already April (which means BEA is NEXT MONTH OH MY GOD). March was kind of a subpar reading month for me, but that’s okay… it can only get better from here, right? March in Review! Books Read in March: 6 Audiobooks Listened to in March: 3 Favorites of the month: The Raven Boys! Maggie’s writing is MAGIC. I knew I loved her writing from how much I loved The Scorpio Races […]

The Monday Musts (8)

The Monday Musts (8)

Posted April 4, 2016 by Wendy in Monday Musts / 5 Comments

The Monday Musts is a new weekly meme that Jessica at Lovin’ Los Libros recently started! It’ll be a fun opportunity to feature a must read, must listen and a must see! The latter can have a wide scope — a must see blog post, exciting bookish discovery, fun picture, video, etc. I thought the meme sounded like a lot of fun and decided to join in and you should too! Must Read: Him by Sarina Bowen and Elle Kennedy […]

Review: Stars Above by Marissa Meyer

Review: Stars Above by Marissa Meyer

Posted March 29, 2016 by Wendy in Reviews / 4 Comments

Why Did I Read? I have been so excited for this collection of short stories! Ever since I finished Winter and fell into such a bad book hangover, I have been anticipating Stars Above! My Thoughts: Marissa Meyer is the queen of writing the most magnetic characters and the best friendships and relationships. I have missed these characters so so much and reading the short stories was so much fun! I read them in order and did NOT peek at the epilogue. […]

Audiobook Review: The Mystery of Hollow Places by Rebecca Podos

Audiobook Review: The Mystery of Hollow Places by Rebecca Podos

Posted March 23, 2016 by Wendy in Reviews / 2 Comments

The Sound: I was not a fan of the narrator. There was this odd lilting tone that made it sound like the MC was super whiny all the time. During the voices for other characters, it was fine but since the book is in first person, all the inner dialogue and well, everything when other people weren’t talking, just GRATED on me. So… maybe I wouldn’t have disliked this book as much if it weren’t for the narrator? Perhaps. But […]
