Author: Wendy

Monthly Recap! September 2015

Monthly Recap! September 2015

Posted October 1, 2015 by Wendy in recap / 4 Comments

September in Review! Books Read in September: 6   Audiobooks Listened to in September: 3 Favorites of the month: Illuminae by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman and continuing my Harry Potter reread! Challenges Progress So Far! Goal: 18 This month: 2. Reread Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire! Progress so far: 11/18 Goal: 25 This month: 3. The two Harry Potter ones and Queen of Shadows Progress so far: 20/25  A Series A Month is hosted by Danielle at Love At […]

Review: Illuminae by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman

Review: Illuminae by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman

Posted September 30, 2015 by Wendy in Reviews / 7 Comments

Why Did I Read? There is a ton of hype surrounding this book but of course, I was intrigued and plus, I am a huge sci-fi fan! My Thoughts: It’s going to be really tough for me to review this book. I just really, really loved it and this book is so unique and is worthy of all the hype, 100%. I didn’t mean to read this in one sitting. But I did. I could not put it down. I honestly didn’t know […]

Audiobook Review: Daughter of Deep Silence by Carrie Ryan

Audiobook Review: Daughter of Deep Silence by Carrie Ryan

Posted September 28, 2015 by Wendy in Reviews / 3 Comments

The Sound: The narration was decent and enjoyable. I thought the narrator did a good job with infusing the emotion of the main character in her voice. The Story: So, I love myself a good revenge story. Mix in a covered up attack and murder of an entire cruise ship full of people? I am so in. I was really eager to see what exactly was going on with the attack and how Frances was going to go about her […]

Series Review: Something Strange and Deadly by Susan Dennard

Series Review: Something Strange and Deadly by Susan Dennard

Posted September 21, 2015 by Wendy in Reviews / 3 Comments

This series has been on my list to read for quite awhile! First, the covers and dresses are gorgeous. Secondly, zombie aspect drew me in because I love zombie stories! I finally decided to do this for my August series. The first book, Something Strange and Deadly is set in Philadelphia in the late 1800s. Eleanor Fitt is just your normal girl until mass numbers of zombies interrupts her day to day life. The Dead, as they are called in this series, […]

Football Friday: Where We Talk Football & Sporty Books (7)

Football Friday: Where We Talk Football & Sporty Books (7)

Posted September 18, 2015 by Wendy in Football Friday / 8 Comments

What is Football Friday, you ask? And what if you don’t like football? DON’T LEAVE YET. There will be book talk too! Last year I was inspired to start this because I was so excited to have book friends who love football too and loved talking football with them! Basically, each week I’ll feature a player. There will be a “football lite” section with a brief intro about him and why I chose to feature him. For those die-hard fans, […]
