Author: Wendy

ReRead Review: The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger

ReRead Review: The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger

Posted July 27, 2015 by Wendy in Reread, Reviews / 1 Comment

For my re-read reviews for the Re-read Challenge hosted by Kelly and Hannah, I’ll be adopting Kelly’s reread review format! When I First Read: I remember it vividly. I was in undergrad and I read it on a weekday and stayed up until 3 am finishing it! Since then I have reread it countless times. More than I can count. What I Remember: A sweeping epic romance that also made me sob uncontrollably every single time that I reread. Why I Wanted to Reread: It’s just […]

Mini Reviews (1): Audiobook edition

Mini Reviews (1): Audiobook edition

Posted July 22, 2015 by Wendy in Mini Reviews, Reviews / 9 Comments

This one was really interesting because I really wasn’t sure what to expect! The premise of The Naturals is that the FBI has a group of teens that are “naturals” at certain things. (To be honest, this part confused me a tad because I was like, are these abilities supernatural? Answer: no, they aren’t.) Cassie, our MC, is a natural profiler. She gets recruited and meets a cast of other teens who also have abilities such as a natural liar, natural with […]

Burn, Rewrite, or Reread Tag!

Burn, Rewrite, or Reread Tag!

Posted July 17, 2015 by Wendy in Personal / 11 Comments

Danielle at Love At First Page tagged me to do the Burn, Rewrite or Reread tag! I was super excited to do it! The Rules:  The rules: there are three rounds, wherein I use a random number picker applied to my “read” shelf on Goodreads for three books, and then decide what I’ll do to those three: burn, rewrite, or reread! Round One: Burn: Zodiac by Romina Russell. I’m sorry, I just really didn’t click with this book at all. There was […]

Audiobook Review: Emmy & Oliver by Robin Benway

Audiobook Review: Emmy & Oliver by Robin Benway

Posted July 16, 2015 by Wendy in Reviews / 8 Comments

The Sound: I thought the narrator Phoebe Strole was fantastic. I feel like all the emotion was transferred so well into Emmy’s voice! I loved listening to this one. The Story: This story is so interesting because the situation is just so.. well, messed up. Emmy and Oliver were best friends as kids and next door neighbors — until Oliver’s dad kidnapped him and everyone’s lives changed. Now, ten years later, he’s back. Everyone wants him to hate his dad […]

Review: Under the Lights by Dahlia Adler

Review: Under the Lights by Dahlia Adler

Posted July 15, 2015 by Wendy in Reviews / 2 Comments

Why Did I Read? I really enjoyed the first and was interested to see what was in store for some of the other characters! My Thoughts: I was super intrigued to see how I was going to like reading from Josh’s POV. I mean, let’s be honest, he’s kind of a douche. But the thing is, he knows it and doesn’t try to make excuses for it. Also, in this one we get to see more of him and his […]
