Category: Blog Tour

Blog Tour Review: Play On by Michelle Smith

Blog Tour Review: Play On by Michelle Smith

Posted April 13, 2015 by Wendy in Blog Tour, Reviews / 2 Comments

My Thoughts: You all know I love my sporty books. Play On has just earned a spot on my list of fave sporty books! It seriously had everything I love and want in a sporty book. Play On was like Friday Night Lights, baseball edition. It’s not only about a game but also about family and love and friendship and everything that goes into those things. Austin Braxton is all set to head off to USC on scholarship in the fall (me, being a […]

Blog Tour: Surviving the Rachel by Aven Ellis Review

Blog Tour: Surviving the Rachel by Aven Ellis Review

Posted January 15, 2015 by Wendy in Blog Tour, Reviews / 2 Comments

Why Did I Read? Aven writes it, I read it! That’s basically how it goes now. 🙂 My Thoughts: You guys, I so enjoyed Aven’s latest book! Aven always writes strong, career driven, heroines and Surviving the Rachel is no different. Bree Logan is fresh out of college and thought she had everything figured out. However, her job search is going horrifically and her long time boyfriend has just broken up with her. So, now she’s back living with her parents […]

Blog Tour: Make It Last by Megan Erickson Review & Giveaway

Blog Tour: Make It Last by Megan Erickson Review & Giveaway

Posted January 7, 2015 by Wendy in Blog Tour, Reviews / 1 Comment

    Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iTunes | Kobo   My Thoughts: I have really enjoyed the first two books in the Bowler University series, so I was excited to get to Cam’s story! We don’t hear as much about him in Alec and Max’s stories so I was very curious about his back story. Anyway, it’s the summer after college graduation and Cam is right back where he never thought he’d be back — in his small hometown of Paradise. His mom’s health […]

Blog Tour: Waiting for Prince Harry by Aven Ellis Review + Dream Cast!

Blog Tour: Waiting for Prince Harry by Aven Ellis Review + Dream Cast!

Posted March 31, 2014 by Wendy in Blog Tour, Giveaway, Reviews / 6 Comments

  You guys, I am so excited to kick off this blog tour for Waiting for Prince Harry by Aven Ellis! I’ll be sharing my review and also Aven’s dream cast! There will also be a giveaway at the end! Ahhh, I adored Waiting for Prince Harry!! This book was the perfect blend of romance, humor and heart. I’m pretty sure I was smiling the entire time as I read. I love this kind of feel-good romance with amazing characters to […]

25 Days of Book Boyfriends: Cam Hamilton from Wait For You

25 Days of Book Boyfriends: Cam Hamilton from Wait For You

Posted December 9, 2013 by Wendy in Blog Tour / 17 Comments

Today I’m really excited to feature Cameron Hamilton from Wait for You by Jennifer Armentrout on my stop of the 25 Days of Book Boyfriends tour — hosted by the wonderful Jessica at Lovin Los Libros, Chelsea at Starbucks & Books Obsession and Teresa at Readers Live a Thousand Lives! Check out the tour schedule for more book boyfriends! Cam is seriously an amazing guy. He will always be one of my top book boyfriends. Why? Well, I’ll be more […]
