Category: Cafe Chat

Café Chat: How Do YOU Tackle Those Backlist Books?

Café Chat: How Do YOU Tackle Those Backlist Books?

Posted February 24, 2020 by Wendy in Cafe Chat, Discussion / 0 Comments

When I first started blogging there were all these popular YA titles that I added to my TBR because everyone it seemed had read them or loved them. As the years went on, my TBR grew exponentially (and is still growing at the same rate it seems!) and there are a lot of books I’ve always wanted to read that keep getting pushed by the wayside for a newer, shinier release. OR, I read a new release by an author, […]

Cafe Chat: Seasonal Genre Reading

Cafe Chat: Seasonal Genre Reading

Posted May 17, 2018 by Wendy in Cafe Chat / 1 Comment

It’s been ages since a cafe chat post! I mean… literally, ages. I think it’s just due to the fact I’ve had so much less time writing blog posts! It makes me sad but I AM actively working on making time for that! 🙂 Anyway, gather round, grab that mug of whatever you want to drink while we chat (or maybe a cold glass instead given the topic?) Today I wanted to talk about seasonal genre reading! I don’t know […]

Cafe Chat: The Dilemma of Long Books

Cafe Chat: The Dilemma of Long Books

Posted April 29, 2016 by Wendy in Cafe Chat / 19 Comments

You know what’s interesting? I never had an issue before with long books before. I picked up a book and I read it. If it was really long, that just meant I’d read it in two days instead of one. (Oh, those glorious YA days when I could actually do nothing except read all day.) Long story short, the length of a book never deterred me from picking it up or reading it. But now? I look at the book. It looks […]

Cafe Chat: Steps of Falling Into A Book Obsession

Cafe Chat: Steps of Falling Into A Book Obsession

Posted February 26, 2016 by Wendy in Cafe Chat / 11 Comments

I think we are all familiar with book obsessions. It’s that one book or one series or one author you can’t shut up about and when someone hears about that book, they think of you. (Ultimate compliment, in my opinion.) But how do you get there? What happens? I was thinking about this recently as I fell hard into being completely obsessed with Pierce Brown’s Red Rising series. As I was thinking how I got to this point of full […]

Cafe Chat: Series That Shaped Your Childhood

Cafe Chat: Series That Shaped Your Childhood

Posted October 14, 2015 by Wendy in Cafe Chat / 8 Comments

Have you guys had a series or book that really impacted you or shaped your childhood? I was thinking about this the other day as I’m rereading the Harry Potter series and am curious if anyone else has had a similar IMPACTING book/series. The series that shaped my childhood and is still a force in my life, to this day, is the Harry Potter series. This series is so much more than a children’s series. No. It speaks of friendships and […]
