Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish!
This is the first Top Ten Tuesday I’ve done! And I can’t even make it to 10, ha! I’ll probably end up looking at other people’s lists and realize all the ones I forgot. Oh well! This week we’re talking about 2014 debuts that we can’t wait to read! It’s interesting, I noticed that half of these are fantasy. I do love my fantasy!
Great list! I can’t wait for The Murder Complex & Cruel Beauty either. I’m a sucker for fairytale retellings and assassins. I hope all the books on your list will be as good as (or even better) than you wished!
Happy Tuesday!
I’m stoked for Cruel Beauty and The Murder Complex. They need to hurry up and come out. I love retellings, and can’t wait to see how Beauty and the Beast is done.
Dear Killer sounds really good! I am excited about this one too.
Ok I haven’t heard of any of these books Haha! I’ll have to check some of them out.
The Murder Complex is on my list too! I just started Cruel Beauty today. So far it’s good, but I’m not very far into it. I hope it lives up to my expectations. I just finished A Mad Wicked Folly and wow was it amazing. I loved it! I hadn’t heard of Midnight Thief until I saw it on Betty’s list today and immediately added it to my TBR. It sounds awesome. π
Cruel Beauty is certainly one of my most anticipated debuts! I’m pretty much a sucker for anything to do with Beauty and the Beast (my favorite!), so I immediately wanted to get a chance to read this one. In fact, it’s coming up fairly soon on my reading pile, and I can’t wait!
I’m also excited about reading A Mad, Wicked Folly. I think it’s a debut that sounds brilliant, and extremely unique (to me, anyway). Plus, I’ve been hearing pretty darn good things about it!