TTT: Top Five Things on My Reading Wishlist!

Posted January 21, 2014 by Wendy in Top Ten Tuesday / 18 Comments


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish!

This week we’re talking about things we want to see more of in books! This was actually really hard for me because while I know I’ve said things like “Oh man, I wish there was a book about this!” my mind is honestly drawing a blank right now. Here goes nothing! The top 5 things I wish there were more of:

1. Villain MCs

Yes, we all love to read about main characters we relate to and love but what about the villains? The ones we hate BUT can be so complex and interesting? Dirty Red by Tarryn Fisher is what made me realize that it IS possible to love a book with a main character you hate! There should be more books like this because sometimes villains can be great to read!

2. Time Traveling in YA

I don’t know what it is about time travel but I love it! Two books that I adored with time travel is The Time Traveler’s Wife by Audrey Niffenegger and Outlander by Diana Gabaldon — neither of which are YA. Let’s get more time travel in YA!

3. Sporty Romances

I love reading sporty stories and sporty romances! I have somewhat of a small obsession with football (GO SEAHAWKS! Had to do it. Sorrynotsorry) and I’d love to see more stories or romances centered around it!

4. Paranormal NA

New girl at college meets tortured guy on campus. Etc etc. Sometimes NA gets repetitive. Why does the new adult time period need to take place on a college campus? I’d love to see more paranormal NA!

5. Sister Themes

It’s no secret that I adored the movie Frozen (and may have listened to the soundtrack countless times) and it made me realize how much I loved the sister theme it had! Having a sister myself, I want to see more books that feature strong sisterly ties!

Do you guys have book suggestions of the above things for me to read? What’s on YOUR reading wishlist?



18 responses to “TTT: Top Five Things on My Reading Wishlist!

  1. Okay, I know you’re not really looking for recommendations, just saying what you’d like to see, topic-wise, but have you read Dairy Queen by Catherine Murdock? The series is about three books and features a female high school football player. They’re pretty good. And, of course, there’s Simone Elkeles’ Wild Cards.

  2. Ooh, I need to check out The Time Traveler’s Wife and Outlander! Last year, my favorite time travel YA was All Our Yesterdays.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! πŸ™‚

    Alice @ Alice in Readerland

  3. Oohh… good call on wanting more paranormal in NA!! All of the NA I’ve read has been contemporary! Also agree on more villain MCs…. as much as I hated Leah, she was an incredible MC with such a unique story!!!

  4. Great list! i love the suggestion of paranormal New Adult. I feel like virtually all NA is contemporary. And usually set on a college campus. Where’s the variety?

    LOVED Frozen, don’t have a sister but love reading about them (maybe because I don’t have one?)

    I loved The Time Traveler’s Wife, I’d love to see some well-written YA time travel books.

  5. I couldn’t agree more about the villain idea! Have you read I hunt killers? That kinda has a villain in it. I’m going to have to check out the book you suggested. That sounds interesting! Jamie had mentioned your blog so I thought id check it out. πŸ™‚ happy reading.

  6. More time travel is ALWAYS a good thing!! And I like your “villains” point – I haven’t read any books where a real bad-guy was the main character, that would be SO cool.

  7. I’m seeing sisters on lots of people’s lists! It’s on mine too. I have two sisters and I just think the relationship is so unique and special. I want to read about it! As far as time travel goes, have you read All Our Yesterdays yet? I really liked that one. I also know that Pam from YA Escapes Reality loves time travel and reads a lot of it. I’m sure she would have some good recs for you.

  8. I love books with the main characters who are the villains of the tale. The Great Train Robbery is one of my favorite books, and it is all about a gang robbing a train. πŸ™‚ I definitely didn’t want them to be caught.

  9. Okay…I have something on your wish list. The hero in Waiting For Prince Harry is a HOCKEY PLAYER. Better yet, my writing is really authentic on this as I sit right next to a hockey director who is my daugher’s godfather. πŸ˜‰

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