TTT: Top Ten Books I REALLY Want to Read…But Don’t Own Yet!

Posted August 25, 2014 by Wendy in Top Ten Tuesday / 6 Comments


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish!

This week we are talking about books we REALLY want to read — but don’t own yet! Let me just say… putting this together made me desperately want to go and buy ALL THE BOOKS. Hmm with my birthday this weekend, I totally could slap another title on this list… “Wendy’s Birthday Wishlist”, hahaha. πŸ™‚

1. The Winner’s Curse by Marie Rutkowski: Well the hardcover’s gorgeous and I’ve heard amazing things about it! SOON, I hope!

2. Rebel Belle by Rachel Hawkins: Ever since I heard someone make a comparison to Buffy, I wanted to read it!

3. Graceling by Kristin Cashore: High fantasy! Plus people talk about it all the time whenever high fantasy is discussed so basically I need it.

4. Amy and Roger’s Epic Detour by Morgan Matson: I read and LOVED her other books so I know I need to read this one too!

5. Split Second by Kasie West: I stayed up until 3 am reading the first book,Β Pivot Point and was so anxiously waiting for the sequel to come out. And I still haven’t read it?? What?! I need to buy it ASAP.

6. Don’t Look Back by Jennifer Armentrout: I’m pretty sure this is the only book of hers that I don’t own. And I want to read it so badly!

7. Something Real by Heather Demetrios:Β Seriously everyone seems to have loved this one! I feel like I would too!

8. After I Do by Taylor Jenkins Reid: I have seen so many glowing reviews of this one!! I can’t wait until I can get my hands on it to read!

9. Midnight Thief by Livia Blackburne: I read the prequel novella,Β Poison Dance and had been looking forward to this debut! More high fantasy that I’ve heard is so good!

10. Bloodlines series by Richelle Mead: I LOVED Vampire Academy. I need to binge read the Bloodlines series but every time I think about it, I’m like, but I can’t buy that many books right now. And I know they will be ones I will want to own soo when I get to get them, trust me, I will be binging!



6 responses to “TTT: Top Ten Books I REALLY Want to Read…But Don’t Own Yet!

  1. Midnight Thief!!! I NEED it. I own Graceling, but still haven’t read it. Fail.

    You NEED Don’t Look Back!! Oh my gosh, I freaking loved that book. That was the book where I fell in love with JLA. Oh, oh and The Winner’s Curse!!! Amazing!!!!

    And I really want Amy and Roger’s Epic Detour too! Seems like such a cute summer roadtrip book.

  2. There’s quite a few that I haven’t heard of on this list I’m gonna have to go do some investigating! But first…

    Amy & Roger super cute I think you’d like that one. In my case THAT is the only book I’ve read by her πŸ˜›

    I’m with you on Split Second. I wonder if we’re the only 2 who didn’t move on to book 2 in our little group haha. Can’t believe I forgot that one!

    Have Graceling (For like 2 years now I’m so bad) and haven’t read it yet. *smh*

    I don’t have Don’t Look Back either and I’m a horrible fangirl because there’s quite a few of her books I still need to read. Sigh.

    Awesome list Wendy!!

  3. YAYYY πŸ™‚ Graceling is on my list as well! OMg, I totally agree that you need to read Split Second so soon! It’s really a great wrap up to the duology! I really want to read Don’t Look Back as well, sounds so good! And After I Do is on my list as well solely because of all the glowing reviews!!!! OMG And Bloodlines is on my list too! Bahah, there is someone else? I thought I was the only person left who hasn’t read it!!! Happy Reading Wendy!! πŸ™‚

  4. Ahhhh, so many good ones on this list, Wendy! The Winner’s Curse is SO good, especially the second half, and it’s a book that looks gorgeous on a shelf (shallow, I know). Something Real is a MUST read – it’s one of my favorite book this year and an amazing debut. Patrick = swoon. Don’t Look Back and Amy & Roger are fun too! Oh, and Split Second is every bit as swoony as the first – plus you get to meet CONNOR. πŸ˜€

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