Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl
It’s that time of year! When I talk about my seasonal TBR list and I see if I end up actually adhering to any of it. Ha! I really do hope I end up reading all of these this fall though! I am grouping them into seasonal atmospheric fall reads on my TBR and then recent and/or upcoming releases! VERY excited for these books!
Atmospheric Fall Picks
The Year of the Witching by Alexis Henderson | His & Hers by Alice Feeney | The Wicked Deep by Shea Ernshaw | Mexican Gothic by Sylvia Moreno-Garcia | Serpent and Dove by Shelby Mahurin
I have heard fantastic things about many of these and am so excited to dive in! In particular, I really can’t wait to start The Year of the Witching – it will probably be the first one out of these that I start! I also own all of the above in one format or another (hardcover or audio) so I have NO excuses here.
Recent / Upcoming Releases
These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong | When No One Is Watching by Alyssa Cole | The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes | None Shall Sleep by Ellie Marney | Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas
I feel like I’ve been waiting for this latest from Ellie Marney for ages – since she first announced it, I feel like! Very excited for all of these recent releases (and one upcoming: These Violent Delights!)
I’ve got 8 of these books on my tbr lists. I hope we enjoy them as much as I think we will. Happy reading π Here’s my Top Ten Tuesday post.
I adore Serpent & Dove so much. It’s fantastic. I’m also excited for None Shall Sleep as well.
Ha ha. I love making TBR lists, but I rarely stick to them either. It’s just fun to THINK about what I MIGHT want to read, you know?
THE INHERITANCE GAMES sounds awesome. I can’t wait for that one either!
Happy TTT!
Mexican Gothic was a beautiful read! And I just started His & Hers. Hope you enjoy! This looks like a perfect list for fall.
Everyone saying they want to read Mexican Gothic makes me want to pick it up! I don’t do creepy, though. π I hope you love it.
I can never manage to stick to a list either. Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.
I have Mexican Gothic and and None Shall Sleep on my shelve and I cannot wait to read them.