TTT: Top Ten Books I’ve Read So Far in 2015

Posted June 30, 2015 by Wendy in Top Ten Tuesday / 26 Comments


Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish!

This week we are talking about the top ten books we’ve read so far in 2015!

So I actually had a tough time putting this together because as of right now, I’ve only read 57 books so far this year. So 10 books would make that almost 1/6 of the books I’ve read this year. When I thinkย top books, I just tend to thinkย favoritesย and I didn’t want to feel obligated to add books to my list that even if I really liked, I don’t think is a TOP book of mine so far this year. (Yeah, I’m probably just way over thinking this, but I hope you guys get what I’m saying.)

Therefore! Here are my top 5 so far this year ๐Ÿ™‚ A lot of them are older titles but I’ve been catching up this year, I guess!


a court of thorns and roses cover

Contemporary (YA):

sea of tranquility cover


Series (YA):

fire and thorns series


Series (Adult):

wallflower series


time traveler's wife cover

Tell me what some of your top books so far this year are!



26 responses to “TTT: Top Ten Books I’ve Read So Far in 2015

  1. Wohoo! The Wallflower series! I’m so excited to see that in your list, Wendy! I need to finish the Rae Carson series too.
    And yay for ACOTAR!
    I hope you’ll find more exciting reads at the end of the year!

  2. I’ve seen A Court of Thorns and Roses on so many lists this week. I really should read it! I’ve never read The Time Travelers Wife before, but I really want to.
    I think I have the opposite problem to you, I struggled to keep my list down!

  3. I’ve not read Rae Carson’s series yet, but I want to. Especially now that I’ve started hearing really good things about it. I absolutely love those covers though. (Are they from a country besides the US? Or are they just a different version – like hardback when I usually see the paperbacks?) Because, seriously, if I’d seen those covers sooner, I think I’d have already started the series.

    My TTT

    • They’re the covers for the UK! I won a giveaway from Rae Carson and those were the covers! Aren’t they gorgeous??? I actually totally prefer them to the US ones. You definitely should, that series is up there with my fave fantasy series!

    • Oh my goodness, you definitely should! Sea of Tranquility was one of those books I can see myself rereading numerous times and Lisa Kleypas is AMAZING!

  4. I basically just want to applaud the fact that A Court of Thorns and Roses, the Fire and Thorns series AND the Wallflowers series have made your list. Those are among my favorite reads (of all-time) as well!

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