TTT: Top Ten Most Anticipated Releases In The First Half of 2020

Posted January 7, 2020 by Wendy in Top Ten Tuesday / 14 Comments

top ten tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Today we are talking all about that highly anticipated releases, focusing on the first half of 2020! When I was putting this list together I realized that my 2020 releases shelf on goodreads is actually kind of small right now! I think I haven’t been keeping up with what’s upcoming so please let me know what books YOU are excited for this year! I’d love to check it out!

Meanwhile, these are my top 10 books that I absolutely cannot wait to read! Do we have any in common?

Top 10 Anticipated Releases of 2020

Lucky Caller by Emma Mills: I’ve loved everything else I’ve read by Emma – such cute contemporaries with friendships that are so perfect. I am so excited for her latest!

Twisted Fates by Danielle Rollins: The sequel to Stolen Time – timey wimey futuristic world. I’m nervous and excited to see what’s next!

Chasing Cassandra by Lisa Kleypas: Seeing as how two books in the Ravenels series ended up on my top 10 books of 2019 list, I can’t wait for this one!!

The Midnight Lie by Marie Rutkowski: Woo for a new book from Marie!!

The Vanishing Deep by Astrid Scholte: The premise of this just sounds so unique!

The Empire of Dreams by Rae Carson: AHH a new book set in the same world as one of my all time favorite fantasy series! I can’t contain my excitement for this!!

The Switch by Beth O’Leary: The Flatshare was another favorite from last year so I’m excited for another book from her!

Chasing Lucky by Jenn Bennett: I’ve loved pretty much everything I’ve read by Jenn so this is an auto-buy for me, of course!

Aurora Rising by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman: Aurora Rising made my top 10 list of 2019 as well so OF COURSE I am SO EXCITED for this!

Four Days Of You and Me by Miranda Kenneally: I’ve really enjoyed her Hundred Oaks series (okay I need to read the last few but still- I’ve loved the others!) and can’t wait for this one! It sounds amazing.

Tell me about your most anticipated 2020 reads! What are you excited for? Do we have any in common and what should I add to my GR 2020 releases shelf?



14 responses to “TTT: Top Ten Most Anticipated Releases In The First Half of 2020

  1. Great list! I love cover of Aurora Burning – I think I need to check that series out – and I’d like to finally ready The Girl of Fire and Thorns series this year, I’ve heard wonderful things about it for years.

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