Monthly Recap! July 2016

Posted August 3, 2016 by Wendy in recap / 6 Comments


I’M STILL ALIVE! I realize the blog has been pretty much SILENT this month. This was a completely unplanned blog hiatus! I’ll take this recap as a chance to catch you all up with what I’ve been up to and HOPEFULLY normal blogging will go on as usual going forward! So what has been keeping me from blogging and reading in general? Oh so much. This summer has been busy, that’s for sure!

Firstly, my sister and her family were here to visit for a few weeks! I don’t get to see them all that often so all of my spare time was spent hanging out with them and doing family stuff. It was a lot of fun playing auntie but WHEW are kids exhausting! We watched many movies, played many games and went on many park outings! (Also, ice cream outings. YUM!)

A few weeks ago was also the half marathon that I’ve been training to do! Which means leading up to it I was doing a lot of running and being generally nervous my shin splints were going to kill me. I actually cut out a day of running per week during the two weeks leading up to the race and miraculously my shins didn’t give me too much pain on race day! I was so happy that I ran the half marathon! I was happy with my average pace and eeek those last two miles? I thought I was going to die, it was a painful last two miles but I DID IT! Woo!


Then there are two other obsessions that took over my free time… Pokemon Go and LulaRoe.

Firstly, I love Pokemon and have played almost all the Pokemon games (and yes, I can’t wait until November for the newest!) Hey if I’m gonna be nerdy, might as well embrace all my fandoms. And I’ve been obsessed with catching Pokemon. There are a few areas near me that are fantastic and I’ve definitely been doing so many walks in those areas! I also definitely ran out of the house to catch a Dratini the other week. The important things in life, ya know. ๐Ÿ™‚

Now if you haven’t heard of LulaRoe, let me enlighten you. One of my good friends, Lindsay, got me completely obsessed. They sell clothing through consultants, mainly in groups on Facebook and they sell the most comfortable leggings you’ll ever wear in your life. No joke. They also have really fun and crazy patterns! Besides leggings, they sell tops and skirts and dresses. She had talked about Lularoe before but I had been kind of hmm, cool. They ended up being a sponsor of the half marathon I ran and had a booth at the race expo — so I got a black pair of leggings to try out. I put them on at home and was all OMG MUST GET MORE. Now… a few weeks later… I have increased the amount of Lularoe I own exponentially. (I’m actually cut off from buying anymore until at least the fall.) But that’s where my time went — browsing albums of leggings and clothes online! I’m trying not to browse now so I won’t be tempted.

So now, as July wraps up, I realized I’ve basically only gotten through audiobooks this month — thank goodness for audios! Things should fall back into normalcy now with the exception of my Pokemon walks ๐Ÿ˜‰ I’ve got a lot of reading to catch up on!

July In Review:

Books Read In July: 2


Audiobooks Listened to in July: 6


I loved continuing my binge ofย all the Series of Unfortunate Events books on audio!ย The Slippery Slope was the last one I’ve actually read so it’s all new from here on out and I am excited!


Here’s my sad challenge updates for July… *cough* oh boy. Somehow, some way, I WILL catch up on certain ones!

2016 Challenges Progress:


Goal:ย “Grand Slam” 21+
This month:ย 0ย —ย I think I’m in trouble
Progress so far:ย 4/21


Goal: 25
This month:ย 2 —ย A Torch Against the Night by Sabaa Tahir andย The Girl of Fire and Thorns by Rae Carson on audio!
Progress so far: 20/25


Goal:ย 15
This month: 6 –ย The Girl of Fire and Thornsย plus all the Series of Unfortunate Events books!
Progress so far: 11/15


Goal:ย 1 book a month I’ve owned for ages but stillย haven’t read
This month:ย I’m basically one big epic fail here, but I swear I’ll catch up
Progress so far: 4/12


Seeing as how I barely read in July, I didn’t get a series in this month. But it’s the first month this year I haven’t read a series! I think I’m doing okay.

Tell me what YOU have been up to this summer! Vacations? Good books? Are you just as obsessed with pokemon as I am? Have you heard of Lularoe before?



6 responses to “Monthly Recap! July 2016

  1. I’m so impressed that you ran a half marathon! YOU GO, GIRL! (I’ve been wanting to just do a 5k, but I’m so lazy to train …) I’ve never heard of LuLaRoe before but I’m scrolling through the website right now and their pieces look so cute. I never pass on good leggings, so I gotta do some serious browsing … how does it all work?!

  2. Seriously though, so many hours scrolling through Lularoe albums! hahaha. It’s such an addiction. Even when I’m not actively looking for anything or even planning to buy, sometimes I still catch myself scrolling at night. MUST STOP UNTIL SEPTEMBER.

    • The Comissioner

      SAME LAUREN. Like I KNOW I’m not going to buy anything, and yet I can’t stop looking. It’s a serious problem. I’m glad we all have each other for support during no LuLaRoe August. ๐Ÿ˜‚

  3. Pokemon Go is honestly taking over my life. I’m so obsessed with catching all of the Pokemon! And I’ve been eyeing LuLaRoe stuff lately because it just looks really great. I may have to try and snag a pair of leggings if I’m able to catch the sale next time ๐Ÿ˜€

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