Happy 2020 everyone! I hope everyone had a good holiday and new years! I always love the start of a new year because it’s such a refreshing new start. Some people do new years resolutions, some don’t like them. I think they’re a great way to set new goals for yourself! (It is, after all, how I got into running.) Are you a resolution type person? Do you have any resolutions for 2020 or goals, bookish or otherwise?
I don’t have any major or big resolutions this year (new year, same me!) but do want to tackle some book challenges and other bookish/blogging goals! I always have lofty ideas at the beginning of the year but never have enough time and things go to hell– 2019 being an excellent example, ha. However, I hope to get some routines and plans in place to make sure I can try and achieve these goals!
Goodreads challenge: 120 books
I was soo far off my goal in 2019 and it was probably one of the lowest reading years I’ve had! However, I’m trying not to beat myself up over it. I did a lot of other things in 2019 and trying to focus on those accomplishments!
Contemporary Romance reading challenge: hosted by Andi at Andi’s ABCs!
I did this last year as well! Aiming for the Grand Slam of 21+ books
Popsugar 2020 reading challenge
I didn’t complete this last year but I want to try for it again this year! There are just such interesting prompts!
Romanceopoly challenge: hosted by Suzanne at Under the Covers and Jessica at peacelovebooksxo
I saw this challenge on IG and it looks like SO MUCH FUN. There’s a board that looks like Monopoly and each space has a specific genre and challenge attached! You roll and read the challenge of whatever space you land on! I’m all set up for it and have decided to tackle the Moon deck challenges and hopefully complete this at least once around the board!
Netgalley ratio: 80%
My ratio is not great right now and I’d love to get that number up to 80% this year! I still have so many from when I very first started blogging which is ugh but I do want to get a lot of those earcs read and reviewed this year!
Post on the blog once a week
This is a toughie for me because there are only so many hours in the day! But I’m going to try to plan ahead and post at least once weekly!
Discover new blogs
One of my favorite things when I first jumped into book blogging was finding and connecting with bloggers and I really haven’t done that as much in the last few years! I’d love to find some new blogs to follow and increase my interactions here! (Drop your blog link below!)
Read more owned books! At least one a month / 12 yearly
I have so many owned books both ebooks and physical and I’d love to make a dent in those and get some read!
Other Goals:
Finish my NaNo story
I wrote 37K during NaNoWriMo and I’d love to get into a consistent writing habit and finish the draft. I think it’ll end up being around 100K
Increase core strength + mobility work outs
I’ve struggled with injuries for the last year and I’d like to make sure I get in more mobility exercises into my regular routine! Hip mobility is going to be huge. I also want to work in more core work outs because a strong core is critical to me not overloading my hips!
You have a busy year ahead of you! Best of luck!!!!!
Thank you!! π
Love these goals!! I want to be more consistent with posting too and also finish my NaNo story. I’m aiming low on Goodreads this year because of the extra writing and blogging I want to do. Oh my gosh I know what you mean about blogging, I feel like I haven’t found new blogs in awhile, it’s awful! That Romanceopoly is so clever, what a fun idea π
I probably should’ve lowered my GR goal with the additional writing I want to do but oh well. Here’s to both of us finishing our Nano stories in 2020! π
[…] my 2020 goals post into consideration, it’s interesting to look at the stats of last year and adding in some […]
Im participating in a bunch of challenges this year, a few of the same ones you are (romanceopoly – moon deck as well, and contemporary romance challenge) I want to get my netgalley review ratio up to 75% and I want to keep up with monthly wrap ups, as well as read some older completed series I still have on my TBR
I’ve got all my challenges and goals on my blog if you want to check them out π
My 2020 reading challenges
Older series is a big one! I have so many series I have wanted to finish over the years – I really should make it a point to get to them! Yay for doing romanceopoly as well! I’m really excited for it!