Looking Back At Seven Years of Blogging + New Header And Giveaway!

Posted May 7, 2020 by Wendy in Personal / 16 Comments

I think it’s sort of interesting that we have all these cornerstone YA things making a comeback this year – a Hunger Games addition and now a new Twilight book? Flashback to the early YA days, am I right? Now, my little book blog didn’t make its entry into the world during the hey day of quintessential YA releases but it was quite a long time ago. Seven years, to be exact! That’s right — happy 7th blogaversary to me!

To ring in the exciting milestone of turning SEVEN (I really can’t believe I’ve been blogging for that long), I decided to get a new header designed and isn’t it SO GORGEOUS AND BEAUTIFUL?? The wonderful Gabrielle designed it for me and she did such a magnificent job. I’m completely in love with it. She took a few of the things I loved and it turned it into such a great image. It’s SO ME and I adore it. It makes me so happy. If you’re thinking of a new header or any other illustration needs, check out Gabrielle’s page! Also, many thanks to Nick who gave me the idea to get a new header in the first place when Gabrielle designed her a new header (which is beautiful – check it out) πŸ™‚

To celebrate seven whole years of blogging, I thought it would be fun to look back over the years and share my top 7 favorite books from each of those years that I’ve blogged! It should be real interesting to see how my tastes have changed and what has remained the same! And what sort of celebration would it be if there wasn’t also a giveaway, right? Don’t worry, that’s coming πŸ˜‰

Book Scents was born right around Cinco de Mayo in 2013. I’d just come off of a spring break where I’d binged like 8 books by Jennifer Armentrout. One of her characters was a book blogger and one thing led to another as I looked into it online and here we are! I was always an avid reader my whole life but stopped during college. JLA’s books brought me back and I’ll always be grateful for that! Hands down, would not know where I’d be without the book community and the amazing friends I’ve made along the way.

Without further ado… a look back on my faves!

I have reread four of these books so I think most of them would still hold up! I am terrified to reread Vampire Academy though – will I still love it like I did the first time?!

Apparently 2014 was the year of contemporaries for me, which is surprising being such a fantasy fan. These contemps are so good – I still love all things Morgan Matson and am super overdue to reading more Emery Lord!

2015 was SUCH A GOOD READING YEAR. I had to cut some really good ones out to narrow it to just seven and umm hello, these seven?? Reread multiple times and they’re some of my ALL-TIME FAVORITES. Oh that every reading year could be like 2015!

I’ve reread every single one of these 2016 faves (except one! and I definitely want to!) so suffice it say – yes, these faves hold up!

My tastes are still similar! I’ve reread some of these faves and I can definitely see myself rereading the others as well! Such great books <3

Great mix of my favorite genres and these authors of these favorites are auto-buy authors for me! I’ll read anything these wonderful authors write!

A good mix of contemporary, fantasy and sci-fi! Very excited for Aurora Burning that just came out this week and The Switch, the newest from Beth O’Leary, that just released as well!

That was really fun to look back on the last seven years of favorite books! Here’s to many more to come πŸ™‚


To support indie bookstores, my giveaway will be for one book $20 or less which I will purchase online from your local indie of choice, to be shipped to you. If you do not have a local indie, I’ll choose one for you (either local to you or from my own local indie).

If you’re outside of the US, your prize will be for one book $20 or less from the Book Depository, as long as they ship to you.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

tell me if we share any favorite reads! I can’t believe I’ve been blogging for so many years! if you are also a blogger, what is one of your favorite aspects of blogging?



16 responses to “Looking Back At Seven Years of Blogging + New Header And Giveaway!

  1. Calvin

    I was reading oyasumi pun pun the manga, it’s not bad. I like most YA genres. The simple wild looks great.

  2. Happy Blogoversary! 7 years is an incredible feat and I’m so glad you and I have become friends who are comfortable bitching with each other!! πŸ™‚

    I love that you shared your list of favorite books from the past 7 years. It’s bringing back some memories for me. Also, I did not know you had read The Flatshare!! I loved that book!

    And you already know how how I feel about your new header! Love Gabrielle’s work and she basically nailed everything you love with this header.

  3. Happy 7 years!!!! There are so many of your favorite books that I love too, though I didn’t read them the same time as you. lol. I loved Vampire Academy, Open Road Summer, & The Deal.

  4. Tammy George

    Shadow and Bone, Open Road Summer, The Deal, there’s too many we agree on πŸ˜‚ Love the new header. Congratulations on 7 🎊

  5. Summer

    Happy Blogoversary! Dangerous Girls, Second Chance Summer and Since You’ve Been Gone are all books I really enjoyed too.

  6. wanderingsofabookbird

    Yay! Happy 7 years! And we share so many faves! Jenn Bennett, Morgan Matson and Laini Taylor just to name a few <3
    Megan S.

  7. _Sandra_

    Happy blogoversary πŸŽ‰ and wishing you many more amazing to come!!
    We actually share a lot favorite reads, it’s almost like looking at my faves list. πŸ˜ƒ

    Thank you for a generous giveaway!!

  8. forestofathousandbooks

    Oh, my! We share so many favorite reads! The Shadow and Bone trilogy, Six of Crows, The Raven King, the Strange the Dreamer duology, Geekerella and a few more! πŸ˜ƒ

    Happy blogiversary, Wendy! πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ Seven years is a long journey, and I imagine what a wonderful one it’s been! I wish you nothing but the best, and many more years with Book Scents ❀

    Also, all the applauses for Gabrielle, who did a wonderful job with the new banner. Gorgeous!

  9. Grace

    Congratulations on seven years of blogging, lovely!! What an accomplishment! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰
    And we don’t have many favorites in common, simply because I’ve most of your picks on my TBR lol I will mention THE FLATSHARE, though, because I loved that book! πŸ˜€

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