Well, I started 2025 off with a bang with an anterior tibia stress fracture diagnosis in January so February is known as the month of crutches. I was in a boot and “protected weight bearing” with crutches for 5 total weeks and let me tell ya… when you’re on crutches, it’s not simply that you lose use of the leg. It’s like you also lose use of your arms because you’re using said arms for crutches and are unable to do the simplest tasks. I was so so over it by the time the end of February rolled around.
However…being completely inactive has given me time to read and blog so I guess that’s a silver lining.
I got to go to a signing for Kristin Ciccarelli’s Rebel Witch tour (moderated by Margaret Owen) and that was a lot of fun! Heartless Hunter was so good, I flew through it, and can’t wait to read Rebel Witch! It’s been awhile since a YA book has truly captured me like that. It was also a delight to hear Kristin talk about how the idea for Heartless Hunter came about (a Scarlet Pimpernel retelling!) I was also a little worried about attending due to my crutches but the Barnes & Noble staff were such a help and even let me go at the very front of the signing line so I wouldn’t have to be on my feet long. Truly a great event!
Month In Review:
I only had one post, okay, but cut me some slack, I’m just coming back after my years-long hiatus!
Books Read in February: 8
Honestly a pretty solid month of reading, I can’t pick a top read! The Halifax Hellions novellas were SO fun, Heartless Hunter like I mentioned was a solid favorite and The Fall Risk was a surprise Abby Jimenez novella release that was so delightful I read it in one sitting.
I used to do a little segment called “Fitness Front” but… see aforementioned crutches, ha.
Have you read any of my top reads from February? Tell me some of your recent faves!
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