Monthly Recap! October 2019

Posted November 4, 2019 by Wendy in recap / 0 Comments

The end of the year is fast approaching! These months seriously feel like they’re flying by! On the one hand, man, am I behind in my Goodreads challenge but on the other, I’m really excited for the upcoming holidays! I love Thanksgiving and LOVE Christmas. I may have already started reading some holiday romances — it’s never TOO early!

Favorite Things In October:

Fall means fall foliage, cozy blankets and ALL THINGS PUMPKIN. While I really don’t like the shorter days and dark mornings and evenings, I really do love fall! I made pumpkin waffles like every Sunday and that was heavenly. What do you love to do during the fall?

There were so many author events here in Seattle in the month of October and while I didn’t get to go to all of them, I did get to see Leigh Bardugo, Sabaa Tahir and Renee Ahdieh! I’m pretty excited for Ninth House and The Beautiful has been on my anticipated list for quite some time! It was really fun to listen to Sabaa and Renee chat in a pre-event VIP event. Lots of fun discussion. They also love food just as much as me it seems! πŸ˜€ Have you read any of these books yet?

Book club was at my favorite pie bar this month! <3 Nothing better than books and pie! We had read Where’d You Go Bernadette. Have you read that one or seen the movie? It really wasn’t my favorite book but I’m curious about the actual movie.

I also joined in a group read of A Discovery of Witches on Instagram that was a “real time” read and that was super fun! I really enjoyed chatting about the book as we read. We are also going to be going into the rest of the trilogy coming up here in November! If you’d like to join in, find me on Instagram and I’ll add you to the group chat!

I was supposed to run Ragnar Napa at the end of the month but due to a fire in the Sonoma area, the race was cancelled. It’s unfortunate but also there couldn’t have been any other decision – so many areas were being evacuated. Definitely didn’t want to impede evacuation or relief efforts. So sad how quickly that fire spread! I was still able to hang out with my sister and her family during that weekend though, so that was great!

Month In Review:

Books Read in October: 4

Books Listened to in October: 3

Favorite read of October: The Lady Rogue by Jenn Bennett and Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson! Really loving my Cosmere binge this year — and man are these Stormlight Archives books HEFTY. Have you read these?

Challenges Progress:

Goal:Β β€œGrand Slam” 21+
This month: 1 – A Cowboy For Christmas (I told you it’s never too early for Christmas things!)
Progress so far:Β  19/21

A book becoming a movie in 2019: √ Where’d You Go, Bernadette
A book featuring an extinct or imaginary creature: √ The Way of Kings (chasm fiends!)
A book told from multiple character POVs: √ Dark Age
Read a book during the season it is set in: √ A Discovery of Witches (this was actually super cool since this was a “real time read” and there were specific days that we read chapters where they were on that exact date!

I actually am very doubtful that I’ll complete the popsugar challenge seeing as how there are only two months left of the year and I have a BUNCH of prompts left. Oh well, it was still fun to work through!

Fitness Front:

I ran the Dawg Dash 10K which I loved! I love running on the UW campus – it makes me so nostalgic for those good ol’ undergrad days. And there are always so many cute puppers at this race! Lots of fun.

I’m actually struggling with an injury right now and after being sidelined with one most of this last year, I’m pretty upset and highly anxious. My chiropractor says to not do anything for at least a week or two and see how my hip does. I’m following this because I would rather heal quickly than aggravate it. I already had to skip my half marathon this past weekend but I’m desperately hoping I’ll still be able to do the Seattle Half Marathon coming up here in a month. πŸ™ Send me all the healing vibes please!

How was your October? Any spooky reads? Did you celebrate Halloween? Tell me about your recent reads and what you’re looking forward to this upcoming holiday season! Are you starting Christmas music/books/movies yet? I love Thanksgiving too, I just like to start Christmasy things early. πŸ˜›



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